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Travel Enthusiast Meika From Hong Kong


Travel Enthusiast Meika From Hong Kong

I am born and raised in Hong Kong. I am a part time accountant as well as a freelance dance tutor, especially for children. I am a travel enthusiast so I started an Instagram travel account last year and have been a travel blogger for these two years.

What hobbies and interests do you have?

I love traveling, dancing, hiking and singing. I am a budget traveler and I really enjoy hiking, and taking dance classes in different countries. I always prefer nature and mountains! I love learning new things so I have started learning the ukulele last month during the third wave of COVID 19 in Hong Kong.

How is a typical day like for yourself?

Before the coronavirus, I used to have a busy schedule.  I work as an accountant in the morning and as a dance tutor in the afternoon and evening. Besides, I go for dance classes regularly. I use my freelancing to fund my travelling. My dream is to be a traveling freelancer!

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a foodie are you?

1. I am not a foodie. I sometimes eat one meal per day when traveling alone in order to save money. XD

What are 3 fun things you like to do in the city you live in?

1. Dancing for sure! 

2. Hiking. There are many amazing hiking trails in Hong Kong.

3. Exploring hidden gems in Hong Kong.

Do you have any quotes or mottos you like to use regularly?

As a Christian, I love to use bible verses. Below are my favorite quotes:

1. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves.  (Matthew 10:16)

2. Life is simple when you live simply

3. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7)

4.  Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. Humility is thinking more of others. -Rick Warren

5. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Which flavor best describes you?

I love chocolate! I am lively, creative, dramatic, and enthusiastic. I will easily become bored with the usual routine.

What is a funny pickup line or attempt someone has tried on you?

I don’t remember. XD

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Meika. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

It’s all about inner beauty. Everyone is unique. Be confident in who you are and you will be attractive and sexy. It’s a feeling and feeling comfortable with yourself.

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Images by Meika

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