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Music & Tattoo Lover Shanon Lee


Music & Tattoo Lover Shanon Lee

Hi Shanon it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hello I’m Shanon, and well my Instagram is @sjw.xx. I’m 17 this year, I love music and tattoos!! My favourite animal is dolphins and the wolf:) I have four tattoos in total, each tattoo has its meaning but some are ridiculous. I’m a shopaholic and I love night life. I may look fierce in real life but actually I’m not cause I’m friendly and outgoing!! And I’m from Singapore!!

How will you describe your fashion style?

The way I style myself is according to my mood actually, but mostly I’ll wear black cause it’s easier to match with everything!!

Is there a story behind one of your tattoos?

My wolf tattoo doesn’t have a story behind but I put it to remind myself that I should be brave and strong mentally:)

Do you believe in any superstition?

I only believe in some superstition.

Which kind of movies do you enjoy watching?

I enjoy watching horror, romance, comedy, musical and action movies.

If you can time travel, where will you go?

I would go to the future to see what happens.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

I would love to go Paris or London!!

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to approach you? 

Using some pickup lines that they created themselves and it doesn’t make any sense.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Shanon. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

The way I define sexy is the way you have confident in yourself, you don’t need to be skinny or having the ideal shape of body to be sexy.

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Images courtesy of Shanon Lee

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