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Model & Body Painter Caitie Marie


Model & Body Painter Caitie Marie

Hi Caitie it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Thanks for having me! I’m a born and raised Jersey girl, working as a model since 2008. I’m also a body painter, foster cats for local shelters, and love black coffee. I’m a business student, passionate about educating other creative folks so that they can run thriving business doing what they love, too!

What do you enjoy most about being a model?

The adventure of it. Lots of new people and places, domestically or abroad. I appreciate creating personal connections with the talented folks I work for. A lot of past clients have become collaborative BFF’s, or like family to me.

Is there a memorable modeling experience you can share with us?

The first time I was published in a major magazine, I wasn’t told. It was a painting of me by Alyssa Monks, on the cover of American Art Collector, October 2010. A friend of mine was browsing in Barnes and Noble when she found it and called me. I was pretty giddy!

Do you have any hobbies?

I really love my work, and I’m starting a new venture teaching business to creative entrepreneurs. I spend most of my downtime on that these days. But when I’m really looking to check out and unwind, I love DIY craft projects or video games.

How will you describe a typical day for yourself?

A typical day when I’m on tour, working: wake up, coffee, look over my notes to refresh myself on that day’s shoots, pack for them, text photographers that I’ll “see ya soon!”, Job #1, have a snack, nap in my car in a Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot,  Job #2, find food, zone out in my Airbnb until bedtime. It’s really hectic on the road! And I get “over-peopled” quickly so it can be very tiring. But the work I do is so gratifying, it’s worth the grind!

Is there anything in life you can’t get enough of?

Talking to people about what they are passionate about. I love getting under the hood of what inspires and motivates different people, encouraging them to take on exciting projects, break down their barriers, and create lives they love.

If you could have a special or super power, what will it be?

Oh man, I wish I could press a button and have two bickering people stop being defensive and instantly understand each other. Even if you still don’t agree, you’re a better friend, supporter, colleague, parent, spouse, when you can identify the core issue and say “I understand you, let’s work this out together”.

Which is the lamest or funniest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

After posing for a figure drawing class when I was about 19, a 40-something fellow with a volatile jail-break vibe asked me out for “snacks”. I told him I had just gotten something from the vending machine…

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Caitie. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

It’s a mood you embody, not something that’s defined for you. I see women of all shapes, sizes, and styles owning their femininity and loving their bodies…confidence (or lack thereof) shows up crystal clear on camera!

Follow the beautiful Caitie Marie on:

Instagram: @caitiemarie

Images courtesy of Caitie Marie

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