‘Strong is the new sexy.’ Why do I like that trending phrase? Because it’s true! All of my girlfriends who started exercising a year ago, whether it would be running, athletics, powerlifting or CrossFit, they all look like they could compete for the number 1 spot on FHM’s 100 Sexiest Woman 2017.
Speaking of ‘sexiest woman’, I’m pretty sure that every female wants to make love like a powerful Greek goddess.
Furthermore, I’m sure that every female wants to impress their partners with their sports skills. They want their partners to know that they have the best girlfriend in the Solar System! That is why you do some math and make these ordinary sex positions extraordinary with a bit of Crossfit.
By the way, I was inspired to write this article after one wild one-night-stand a few months ago. You won’t be able to find an article like this anywhere on Google.
#1 The Sumo Squat Cowgirl
If you include them in your workout, then you know the many wonders that squats can have on your tush. So, why not give a mundane sex position a boost and squat your boyfriend?
The cowgirl can get boring for active couples and sex-fueled singles. Why? The only method of the cowgirl that you could think of doing is moving your hips up and down.
Plus, you can galvanise the cowgirl by adding in the sumo squat form. You spread your thighs apart, clench your buttocks, and move your hips up and down like you would if you’re doing the squats at your local gym.
Your boyfriend will definitely love the view of you bouncing on him with your thighs apart, trust me, I know. Moreover, the more times you do the sumo squats in the bedroom, the less time you’ll need to do them in the gym.
In fact, your partner may ask you to do your workouts at home, at a good spot where he can watch you do Crossfit all night long…
#2 The V-Up Missionary
If you’re like my girlfriends that aim to have washboards for stomachs, you work on your abs almost every time you exercise. FYI, crunches and planks will only strengthen the muscles; your rock-hard abs won’t simply appear after you’ve done 1000 reps in one session.
If you do Crossfit, you may have heard of the ‘V-Up’ workout, where you lift your arms and legs up while keeping your butt on the floor. You know the missionary position, right? Well, who wouldn’t know that sex position? It was probably the one that you did when you popped your cherry!
If you mix the v-up crunch with the missionary, it will make the missionary position more exciting than usual? How is that so?
Well, you can alternate the pace where have to move slowly while lifting your upper body, and faster when lying on your back. You can even give your boyfriend a kiss, a slip of your tongue, or a bite on the lip every time you do a sit up. Personal tip: if you want to make the missionary awesome, make it kinky!
#3 The Pull Up Standing Up
When you want to show your partner how strong and sexy you are, It’s wise to jot some notes down from this section.
To perform this sex position, you’re going to need something that you can swing onto like a spider monkey. Any sturdy bar would do, but I would recommend getting your own pull-up bar so you won’t have to deal with any DIY fixing…
It’s incredibly hard for a woman to gain ultra strength in their chest and arms, but it’s not impossible. It’s not good to over train one set of muscles. However, if you felt like you could have done your last arm workout better when you were at the gym, then hey, knock yourself out. Or, more so put, knock your boyfriend out with your killer triceps.
Ok, having sex while standing up can be pretty awesome if done right. But when you’re sitting duck and your partner is doing the work, it can get boring after a while. So, here’s a thought that could spice up this sex position: why don’t you do the work and he just stands?
Lift yourself up and down his shaft while you do a few pull-ups at the same time. The only thing your boyfriend will have to do it hold your buttocks in place and moan at the sheer delight of you mastering this sex position.
Now, I know how tedious and aggravating going to the gym and working out can be when you have too much apathy for the hobby. But I gotta tell you, if this advice blog doesn’t make these sex positions extraordinary and make you fall in love with exercise, let alone Crossfit, then I don’t know what will!
Zoe Jaspers has been writing about sex, porn, and the world of escorting for nearly two years, and she still continues to enjoy writing about all of those topics, along with her sexual encounters. Even though she is informative in her written work, she likes to include a bit of humour in it too, because she believes that sex can be both fun and funny. Follow her at:
Website: https://www.escort-scotland.com/
Social Media: Twitter – @ZoeJaspers
Tumbler – zoejaspers.tumblr.com
Personal Links: https://medium.com/@ZoeJaspers
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