Hi Lucy it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Hi guys! For the past 2 months I’ve been building an Instagram page dedicated to three major themes: Fashion, Makeup, Beauty. Although I’m fairly new to this, the publicity and attention I’m getting are unexpectedly a lot. Instagram is a great platform to start beauty blogging. I’m from New York and honestly, I haven’t gotten to know this city much until I started this page. New York is top-notch for photography and modeling around.

What perks do you love about modeling?
Opportunities. I’ve received many offers from companies with paid photoshoots and product promotion so not only am I enjoying the hobby I’ve picked up, I can also build a career off of it. I also love dressing up and finding new fashion or makeup trends to indulge in.

What do you usually do during your free time?
Besides taking selfies or surfing the web for beauty updates? Not much. Just kidding, I also enjoy a variety of other things besides beauty such as reading the news, cooking, online gaming, etc. I think it’s important to have a good balance of doing various activities other than focus on one thing in life.

How much of a party animal are you?
Haha, I’m a natural party animal. I love going out once in a while to enjoy the New York nightlife. It’s important to loosen up every now and then to break away from work and for me, partying is one way to do that.

Which is your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest achievement would have to be when I turned being laid off from a 5 year job to starting a photography blog and finding an even better job than I had before. Although I work hard on my Instagram page, I also spend much of my time working for my current full-time job to build an additional stable career path for myself. People are multi-talented by nature and one should always utilize their potential to the max.

Are you more of a bikini or lingerie babe?
I actually don’t do both since I’m more of a “casual-clothing” model hah. But if I had to choose, I’d be a bikini model. I enjoy outdoor scenery for my pictures and my favorite season is the summer.

If you could describe yourself as a flavor, what will it be?
Sweet. I’d like to describe myself as happy, optimistic, loving, friendly—everything that describes a sweet person. Oh, and I love desserts…which are sweet.

What is the lamest attempt a guy has tried to hit on you?
One time, a guy and I were flirting and he was talking about how the touch of his magic hands can make boobs bigger and I told him no wayyyyyyy. Well he’s my current boyfriend now. Lame.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Lucy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I love sexy. Sexy is always fun to be and sexy is in anyone who wants to believe it. Sexy is when you dress how you want despite societal judgment. Sexy is pursuing a career that you’re passionate about. Sexy is fighting for what you believe in no matter the obstacles and differing opinions. Be sexy.
Follow the beautiful Lucy Doll on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucydoll.l/
Images courtesy of Lucy Doll
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