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Interview with the hottie Tran Nguyen


Interview with the hottie Tran Nguyen

Who is Tran Nguyen and where is she from?

I was born in Manila, Philippines but raised in San Jose since I was 9 months old. I’m a mother of 2, a boy and a girl.

What is your beauty secret to looking so gorgeous?

Haha thank you, but no secret at all! I love makeup, I guess I’m just good at it.


Do you follow a strict diet?

I used to! I used to want to be skinny, but I’ve been trying to gain weight lately, but it’s so hard. I have to put in a lot of work and eat a lot for me to gain just a little!

From a scale of 1-10, how much of a party girl are you?  

Probably a 3. When I’m out, I’m very wild and outgoing but I don’t get out much. My schedules very busy, I go to school full time, then I have my kids after that so when they go to bed, I’m exhausted.

Name 3 fun facts about yourself which is not usually known.

Hmm.. These aren’t so much fun facts, but they’re facts!

I ran away from home at age 16.

I’ve been to 14 schools total.

I got away with tickets and arrests before, I don’t know how haha

Which is your favorite body feature?

Lately I’m obsessed with butts!! That booty.


Are you a morning person or night owl?


If you had the choice to spend an entire day in lingerie or bikini, which will you prefer?

Honestly, sweats.. Haha but if I had to choose.. Lingerie

It’s been a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy, Tran. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Charming, and confident!!

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Images courtesy of Tran Nguyen

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