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10 Tips to Improve Intimacy for Couples


10 Tips to Improve Intimacy for Couples

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Life can get so busy at times that it is easy to forget to nurture your relationship.  Connecting with a partner on a daily basis can be difficult for most people, but fostering a healthy relationship is worth taking the time. A great relationship is one built on mutual respect as well as both putting the energy and time to keep the relationship passionate, fun, and intimate.  Many times it is easy to fall into a rut or a pattern and take the other person for granted, this happens in all long-term relationships, from time to time.

10 tips for couples to improve the intimacy as well keep the relationship fresh and exciting!

1.  Keep in contact at least once a day, by phone, text, skype, a kiss in the morning or a hug at night.  This may sound like a silly tip, but for many couples, especially those who travel or do not live together a simple hello, or I love you every day will keep that person’s mind connected with yours.  Most couples that have successful long-term marriages put the effort into staying in touch.  With the invention of the cell phone and texting, it is easy as 123 … I love u … or XOXO!

2.  Compliment your partner more often, say something nice to them, be honest and say it from the heart.  Noticing a new pair of shoes, or haircut can be from a simple compliment to a really nice compliment that shows appreciation for the little things they may do for you.

3.  Appreciation as stated above, is one of the best ways to let your partner know that you like something that they are doing for you.  This works well in the bedroom too.  If you like to be touched in a certain way, let your partner know that it feels nice and they are more likely to do more of it!

4.  Touch!  People crave another person’s touch, but the secret is to touch them the way that they like to be touched.  When you know what your partner likes then you can do it more often.  It can be rubbing behind their head, or holding hands, hugging, kissing, a gentle massage.  Touch can be sensual as well, done with lips, fingers hands or using your body, but make sure to find out what they really like first.

5.  Do something new to break up the routine each week.  It does not have to be something big, but it should be a way to increase the intimacy. Read a book together instead of watching television, try a new position in bed, run a hot bath and take it together instead of a shower.

Read on for the next 5 tips regarding Sex!

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Dr. Dawn Michael

Dawn is a Certified Clinical Sexologist and Intimacy Counselor. Her proven techniques have helped thousands of couples to not only improve their sex lives but the intimacy in their marriage as well. Promoting healthy sexuality and sex positive views for couples and individuals is one of Dawn’s passions. Dawn uses a holistic approach with her patients providing help with sexual dysfunction, age related sexual health, lack of desire and hormone related issues, working with other practitioners to find solutions to all sexual related problems.

Dawn is a public speaker and educator providing information on women’s and men’s sexual health issues. She is a professional member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). Dawn is presently completing her doctoral studies at The Institute For Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.

A professional writer with several hundred published articles in the field of human sexuality, relationships, and sexual health. She has been a featured guest on the Ricki Lake show, Dr. Susan Block show, Playboy Radio, Howard Bragman radio, Houzz publications, Corset Magazine, Your Health Connection Magazine, PsychCentral, eHarmoney, Wellness and YourTango to name a few. Dawn is a writer for the L.A. Love & Marriage Examiner.

Get in touch with Dawn via email at


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