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What It’s Like To Be A Japanese AV Pornstar日本のAV女優になりたい


What It’s Like To Be A Japanese AV Pornstar日本のAV女優になりたい


What I love about sex is that it is a basic and deep dialogue between people.

How I Got Started As A Pornstar ポルノスターになったきっかけは?



I was scouted and once I started I got addicted to this world!

Why I Love Being An AV Pornstar! 日本でAV女優になるのはどんな感じで、好きなところは何ですか?



You can have various experiences as a pornstar! You can learn and experience your own sexual desires, habits, and various sex acts you do not know, and your new world will expand! I feel good, and it’s fun to express how I can convey it to the viewers.

Favorite Scenes I Enjoy Performing / 演じるのに好きなシーン/ジャンルは?



This is suddenly so erotic! I like scenes with stories as they are most fun. I feel that the feelings I see change when there is a story with sex in it.

What Goes On In A Typical Video Shoot! 一般的なビデオ撮影がどのように行われるかを説明できますか?







I go into the studio at about 8am for make up and to take a photo of the package. From there, I eat my lunch and take a shower. In the afternoon, I start my shoots! Most of the works are taken all in one day.

Tips For Girls Keen To Get Started As An AV Pornstar










It’s a tough job, but more than that, it is very fun It’s a job where you can feel the value of your work directly from the voices of customers! Every day is full of stimulation and I think it’s a world where you can always meet your new self! If you’re at a loss, you can understand that it is a proper job even if you go to the office etc.

Come join the industry and work together!

Mao Hamasaki – Japanese DJ Artist.

Mao built her global reputation from her works across films and tv dramas around Asia region since 2012, and was inspired to take a step forward with her DJing in the year of 2018. In the same year, Mao’s DJ career lift off by getting invited to perform around Asia, including Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia and many more. Mao is always exploring for new ways to interact with her crowd, and gives out her most to keep the vibe on the roof.

Specialized Genres: EDM, Trap, Hard-style, Pop, Top 40.

新時代のDJ – DJ Mao 

•日本で人気のDJ Maoの仕事は日本のみならず、韓国で映画等に出演していたりとアジア各地でもその人気ぶりはお墨付き。


•新時代DJであるDJ Maoの空間演出は、この先数多くの施設に良いアトモスフィアを与える事になるだろう。

•音楽ジャンル: EDM,Trap,Hardstyle, Pop and Top40.

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Images courtesy of Mao Hamasaki unless stated otherwise

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Mao Hamasaki

Japanese DJ Artist. Mao built her global reputation from her works across films and tv dramas around Asia region since 2012, and was inspired to take a step forward with her DJing in the year of 2018. In the same year, Mao’s DJ career lift off by getting invited to perform around Asia, including Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia and many more. Mao is always exploring for new ways to interact with her crowd, and gives out her most to keep the vibe on the roof. Specialized Genres: EDM, Trap, Hard-style, Pop, Top 40.


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