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Why I Enjoy Being A DJ / DJであることを楽しむ理由


Why I Enjoy Being A DJ / DJであることを楽しむ理由

音楽は本当にまだまだ全然わからなくて. ただ自分の好きな音楽をみんなにも聞いて欲しいってかんじですね.


I really don’t understand music at all and I just want everyone to listen to my favorite music. I don’t have a specific genre, and I feel like I listen to whatever music according to my mood!

How I’ve Been A DJ For! あなたはDJを始めてどのくらい経ちますか?


It’s almost two years since I first DJed!

Type Of Music I Enjoy Playing At Clubs! クラブでプレイするのが好きな音楽は何ですか?また、パーティーや観客を存続させるにはどうすればいいですか?



Classic EDM, and hard music in a club! Everyone at a club can be united with the songs I play! I like that everyone can sing and dance together.

Memorable DJ Experiences I’ve Had So Far! これまでに体験した印象的なDJ体験を教えてください。









Every time is a special experience for me. Above all, when I showed up on Christmas Eve in Malaysia, I was very impressed! I was so nervous that I couldn’t give more Christmas excitement for everyone, because people were already full. When it started I was excited at the venue as it was very moving! !! I can’t wait to go play again!

How I Hope To Build My Personal Brand Further! DJとしてあなたのパーソナルブランドをさらに築くことをどのように望みますか?



I want to performing in various places! I haven’t been to a festival yet, so I’d like to see it at a festival! And I want to study music more and have more people sympathise with my favorite set! And many goods are on sale from my brand, so I’m happy if everyone can wear them!

Check out DJ Mao’s videos on YouTube here –

Mao Hamasaki – Japanese DJ Artist.

Mao built her global reputation from her works across films and tv dramas around Asia region since 2012, and was inspired to take a step forward with her DJing in the year of 2018. In the same year, Mao’s DJ career lift off by getting invited to perform around Asia, including Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia and many more. Mao is always exploring for new ways to interact with her crowd, and gives out her most to keep the vibe on the roof.

Specialized Genres: EDM, Trap, Hard-style, Pop, Top 40.

新時代のDJ – DJ Mao 

•日本で人気のDJ Maoの仕事は日本のみならず、韓国で映画等に出演していたりとアジア各地でもその人気ぶりはお墨付き。


•新時代DJであるDJ Maoの空間演出は、この先数多くの施設に良いアトモスフィアを与える事になるだろう。

•音楽ジャンル: EDM,Trap,Hardstyle, Pop and Top40.

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Mao Hamasaki

Japanese DJ Artist. Mao built her global reputation from her works across films and tv dramas around Asia region since 2012, and was inspired to take a step forward with her DJing in the year of 2018. In the same year, Mao’s DJ career lift off by getting invited to perform around Asia, including Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia and many more. Mao is always exploring for new ways to interact with her crowd, and gives out her most to keep the vibe on the roof. Specialized Genres: EDM, Trap, Hard-style, Pop, Top 40.


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