My name is Chanelle Lee and I am a Toronto based model and entrepreneur. Born and raised in Toronto I have spent a great deal of time travelling the world. I am a big believer in the idea we only have one life so we should all live it to the fullest. I am an athlete at heart, and used to play competitive volleyball. Still playing as much as I can for both court and beach volleyball. I currently model, act, bartend and am working on starting a company with a couple partners. The end goal is to have the ability to work remotely anywhere the world takes me 🙂

What is your proudest achievement so far?
I have a few achievements I am very proud of. But my proudest would be being crowned Miss West Indian Canadian. It gave me a lot of confidence, at a time where I really needed.
How will you describe your fashion style?
I would describe my fashion as unique, different and full of colour. I love wearing clothes that are unique and make an impact. I have always been known to dress outside the box.
Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
I am a travel junkie, love learning new languages and cultures. I love sports, volleyball is one of my passions and I also enjoy, snowboarding, soccer, tennis and rollerblading.

Have you been in an embarrassing moment before that is funny now when looking back?
I have been in multiple, where can I even start. But for me embarrassing moments are all a part of life so you just have to laugh. One moment in particular was when I was 13 years old. I had finally hit puberty, so my mother like any good mom taught me how to use a tampon. I had to as I was an active kid and went swimming a lot in the summer.
So one day I was at a summer camp, and we went swimming as a group. I thought I knew how to use a tampon, but to my surprise I did not. As I was swimming with my friends, the worst thing happened. My tampon had fallen out and surfaced to the top of the water. Yes a few people saw. I was mortified, but after growing up a bit I now can laugh at the whole thing 🙂
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or learn but haven’t had the time?
There are a few things. But right now I am wanting to learn how to DJ. Finding the time is tough but that is what I am doing right now 🙂
If you could drop everything and go on a road trip, where will you head off to?
Hmmm… Most places I really want to go to would require a plane or a boat 🙂 But if I was going to road trip somewhere from Toronto. I would most likely head to Iceland!

Have you ever had a bad date experience to share?
Oh yes ! Nothing terrible though, but still not a great experience. I went on a date with a guy who was big in the fitness modelling field. He decided to take us on a walk by the water, it started off great. But half way through the walk he had us rush back to the car. The reason for that was he was hungry! So he had us go back so he could eat the 3 pieces of chicken he had in a cooler and salad, plus a shake. He did not even offer me a bite first of all, and secondly had me watch till he finished, then continue and finish the walk ( was that a date … was not too sure lol).
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Chanelle. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I would define “sexy” as when one loves themselves fully, when they are free to have their own self expression and own it! One that is empowered to be the best version of themselves and not afraid to show it. To me that is the definition of sexy.
Follow the lovely Chanelle Lee on:
Instagram: @Chanellep23
Images courtesy of Chanelle Lee
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