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English Model Demii-Leigh Heffron


English Model Demii-Leigh Heffron

It is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy Demii-Leigh.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hey guys! I’m a tattoo/alternative model from Manchester, England.

What is your fashion style?

I’m quite rock chick when it comes to fashion! I like to dress a little different and am definitely not embarrassed to dress funky out there!

Where do you usually love to shop from?

There’s an amazing store in Manchester called Afflecks Palace, it has some crazy outfits, very gothic/punk style.

Do you have any guilty pleasures when it comes to food?

Not sure if it’s just an English thing and some people think this sounds awful but chips with cheese and gravy is amazing! In fact, cheese on anything is amazing haha.

If you could have a superpower, what will it be?

Flying, definitely. Imagine?!

Which is your most memorable travel experience so far?

When I went to Barcelona, caught sun stroke on day 2 and my cousin Georgia left me abroad on my own because she was homesick! That was memorable, but for all of the wrong reasons ha.

Is there something you don’t get about guys?

Erm, the list is endless! Haha guys are an unusual species….

Do you have a bad date experience to share?

Not exactly bad, just a complete waste of my time.. I got taken to Tesco supermarket to ‘people watch’ – I’m not even joking!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Demii-Leigh. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

When it comes to sexy, confidence is key! Someone who follows their own trends/styles and is original without following the crowd, that’s such an attractive trait!

Follow the beautiful Demii-Leigh Heffron on:

Facebook: Demii-Leigh Heffron

Instagram: @tattooed_bipolarbear

Images courtesy of @secretboudoirphotos

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