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Melbourne Model, Maly Phommaly


Melbourne Model, Maly Phommaly

Hi Maly, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hey everyone, well my name is Maly Phommaly, I am half Laos half Australian, based in Melbourne Australia.

What got you started into modeling?

I was discovered by a small agency when I was 16.

How will you describe a typical day for yourself?

My typical morning is starting with a green tea, light breakfast and straight to the gym to keep my body toned 🙂

Do you have a preferred side for taking selfies?

Yes whatever side my hair looks good on the day haha.

Where can we catch you partying most of the time?

Whatever club I’m hosting at the time, usually always on the dance floor hahaha.

 Are you more of a bikini or lingerie babe?

I love both, but if I had to choose, it would be bikini.

Is there something you don’t get about guys?

Everything! hahaha

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you? 

The most awkward, is when someone sees me but doesn’t say hi, then messages me, ‘hey I think I just saw you”.

It is a pleasure to feature you Maly. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Hmmm, sexy to me, means powerful, seductive and classy.

Follow the beautiful Maly Phommaly on:

Instagram: @maly.phommaly
Facebook: Maly phommaly

Snapchat: pinkmazda1

Images courtesy of Maly Phommaly and Murray Richards

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