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UK Model Jenny O’Sullivan


UK Model Jenny O’Sullivan

Hi Jenny it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Heyyyy, so I’m from Liverpool. I’ve been modelling about 3 years now. I’m also studying fine arts in University and work part time as a vocal teacher.

How did you get started into modeling?

Family/friends said I should try it but I wasn’t sure it was for me, then I was out at an event one night and a photographer asked if we could shoot so eventually I did and enjoyed it and it went from there really.

What has been your most memorable experience to date?

I don’t just have one there’s loads but if I had to pick I’d say shooting bridal dresses in Port Meirion. The place and the dresses were so beautiful and we had such a lovely little team. Top day. It’s not just the experiences you remember though, I’ve met some of the best people as well.

What do you say is the most challenging aspect when it comes to modeling?

I’d probably say keeping on top of how you look. Not in a really vein way but you have to feel good about yourself because if you don’t it shows in pictures.

Do you have any phobias?

Yeh a few – bugs, whales, cheese graters etc haha. I don’t like when people dress up as them massive animals either, what is that about?

How do you usually spend your weekends?

Most of the time I’m working if I can but if not spend time with family/friends.

Is there anything you wish would come back into fashion?

I generally like the majority of things that’s do come back into fashion but I never think I can pull it off haha. Although I used to live in bubble coats when I was younger (an this wasn’t cool) I notice them creeping back in but I’m too scarred to wear one now haha.

What’s been your worst date ever?

I’ve never had a proper bad date, mainly because I never used to go on them, I got too cringed out at the thought haha.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Jenny. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Someone interesting and exciting with confidence in themselves and how they act. Obv being a little sort too haha.

Follow the beautiful Jenny O’Sullivan on:
Instagram: @jennyosullivan4

Twitter: @jennyosullivan4

Images courtesy of Christian Scott, Zak Tyler, Jack Russell, Salleh Sparrow and Andrew Cockerill

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