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English Model Harley Sparks


English Model Harley Sparks

Hi Harley, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hey, thank you for having me! My name is Harley Sparks and I’m a model from Greenwich, London.

Photo: Koray Hussein @korayhussein

Which is your most memorable modeling experience or shoot so far?

Oooh, I remember and love all my shoots for different reasons. The most fun I had on a shoot involved paint dripped all over me, that was pretty cool. I’ve shot with a pug and had cameos from two bengal cats and just met some really awesome people along the way.

What’s your favorite personality trait you like about yourself?

I’m very adventurous. My dream is to travel the world; I love exploring new places and experiencing different environments and cultures. I want to try and shoot abroad this year, that’s my aim.

Photo: Solomon Boyede @soulzgram

Where do you usually party?

I don’t like to go out and party. I’d rather chill at home and have a good time listening the music I choose with my closest friends. I don’t see the point in hobbling out in heels in the cold to waste money and come across drunk weirdos then be disappointed that the Chinese shut two hours ago.

Which fictional character do you wish was real?

The Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. I’ve got a few wishes I’d like granted and I want perfect fitting glass slippers, I wouldn’t find any to fit my feet if my life depended on it. One of my favourite films too.

Photo: Talie Eigeland @talie_eigeland

Do you sing in the shower?

Of course, I love singing! I have a shower speaker too #winning

What item at home can you use as a weapon if there is a zombie apocalypse?

I’ve got lots of alcohol leftover from Christmas, I’d douse the hallways in that, set fire to it with my super cool AK47 lighter and deodorant can like a flamethrower, backwards roly poly smash through the window then run off feeling like Lara Croft.

Photo: James_T Photography

Worst date experience ever?

I’ve been on one date in my life before I met my boyfriend. It was just a typical orange Wednesdays cinema date with a popcorn combo meal and coke to share as we were like 15. I was with him for a month at most so speaks for itself!

Photo: Dave Lensman @redsnapper001

It is a pleasure to feature you, Harley. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

I think it starts with loving yourself enough to want to dress up and make an effort then having that confidence to know you look great and show off what you are proud of. Be classy and sophisticated. And finally being humble enough to inspire others to make the first step of loving themselves too.

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Featured image courtesy of Kirth Photography

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