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Cosplayer & Photographer Erika


Cosplayer & Photographer Erika

Hi Erika thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Thank you for the consideration and honor to be part of your platform! Hey everyone, I am Erika, a South Florida Cosplayer. I always get the question “why do you cosplay”? I deal with depression a lot so this is a way for me to get out of my life for a little bit, cosplay has brought out a side of me that was hidden deep inside.


When did your interest in cosplay start?

I mean it started way before I even knew it was a fad. I always loved dressing up and when I went to my first con almost two years ago, it opened up my eyes to something huge.

Which characters have you enjoyed cosplaying most?

I am a TOTAL Disney Freak! Ariel or basically being any mermaid has its top spot on the list. I love genderbending Spiderman, he has always been my favorite superhero. Also, when I get into my Lady Deadpool costume I feel as if I have the most fun.


What is one misconception about cosplayers you have heard of?

I can’t just choose one, there is so much to this that people don’t understand. The main one is all women dress up for attention (even though this is slightly true, I just have so much to say about it so let’s stop here). Cosplayers are all immature and it’s only a thing for kids. Ohh and my favorite one is seeing all the protestors at the cons because apparently we don’t believe in god.

If you could have a super power, what will you choose to have?

The power of flight. I mean, I dream to travel the world and that would be extremely helpful. Also the fact that I would get to go see the people I love more often.


Are you a morning person or night owl?

Night owl! Mostly because of my insomnia but I am a grumpy pants in the morning. Do not try reasoning with me before 11am, it will not happen.

What do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? 

Their smile and eyes. The slightest glimpse or grin can mean a lot.


Do you feel that guys should always make the first move, and why?

I guess I am more old school and I love it when a man takes control. I am super shy and in the past lost LOTS of opportunities because the guy expected me to make a move or just thought I wasn’t interested. Guys! If you’re reading this, I don’t mean for you to be a total creep or be annoying but if you truly want something, make a damn move because maybe she wants you to but is too shy to say it.


It’s a pleasure to feature you Erika. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

To me sexy isn’t all about what you wear, it’s about your personality and how you act. I am a photographer; boudoir shots are my favorite to shoot and not because of the attire.

Follow the gorgeous Erika on:
Instagram: @ErikaCosplay

Twitter: @ErikaCosplay
Tumblr: @ErikaCosplay

Snapchat: @Eriikkuhh

Images courtesy of Erika

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