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Malaysia Blogger Elana Khong


Malaysia Blogger Elana Khong

Hi Elana, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Can you share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hello! Thanks for having me. It’s my pleasure. 😀 I am from the tropical country Malaysia. I work full time as a Business Development Exec. and I’m also a blogger.


When did you start blogging and what inspired you to do so?

I started my blog two years ago. I was inspired to start blogging because I love sharing my thoughts and experiences to benefit others.

How will you describe your fashion style?

I am pretty much everything. I love dresses, crop tops, hot pants, sports wear and skinny jeans. Lately, I am crazy over monochrome though.


Where do you usually shop from?

Online, boutiques, H&M, Niichi, Kitschen and anywhere that have awesome sales bargain. I don’t go for the brand but style.

How much of a foodie are you?

I am a huge foodie. My mom is such a great cook and my taste buds were spoiled by her. So picky I would rather starve myself if the food falls below my expectation. Hahaha….

What is your beauty regime like to looking so amazing?

Well, I mask pretty often. Beside masking, I also go through the basic skincare regime like cleanse, tone, serum, moisturise and sunblock.


If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be and why?

Martial arts! It is utmost important to learn it for self defense and it is a good sports too, plus you could sweat buckets.

Which is the funniest attempt a guy has tried to know you and did it work?

During my teenager years, I worked part time as a cashier in a grocery store. And there’s this boy who would come over everyday just to buy something. Then one fine day, he wrote me a note asking me out. Hahaha…..


It’s a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy and before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Thank you once again. To me, ‘sexy’ is self-confidence. If you have the confidence then you are sexy, inside out.

Follow the lovely Elana Khong on:

Instagram: @elanakhong
Twitter: @elanakhong

Images courtesy of Elana Khong

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