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Premature Ejaculation: The Tantric Treatment

Sex Ed

Premature Ejaculation: The Tantric Treatment

Premature Ejaculation: The Tantric Treatment

Let’s set the scene. You’ve had a nice romantic evening with your partner. Your date concluded with a romantic candlelit dinner. Both of you are feeling in the mood to be amorous so you rush home. Once indoors one thing leads to another, and you both end up in the bedroom. At this point, you look forward to a passionate conclusion to your evening together. Sadly for you, things take a somewhat abrupt and unfortunate end.

Why? You’ve discovered that you’ve exploded with delight way too early. As you’re now spent, the mood is no longer fuelled with passion and there’s nothing else to do now but sleep!

Premature ejaculation is an issue that many males will experience at some point in life. Some may view the issue in a stereotypical way, but it’s no laughing matter. The truth is, premature ejaculation can challenge a person’s confidence as well as effect relationships and some men may even end up living alone in fear of their “embarrassing problem.”

Suffering in silence

The sad truth is that many do suffer in silence, afraid to tell anyone about their situation. Those that have the courage to see their doctor get told they have a psychological issue, sufferers may get prescribed different types of treatment and in a lot of circumstances they do little to help.

Of course, Western medicine and medical teachings don’t have the answer to everything. In fact, when it comes to treating premature ejaculation, there is another technique that has some great results when practiced regularly, let’s talk about Tantra!

What is Tantra?

The Tantric roots stem from Hindu and Buddhist traditions that date back circa 5000 years, the basis of the practice is yoga/meditation, and there are hundreds of practices that fall under the Tantric umbrella, each with a slightly different approach.

Some of the practices actively harness life force energy or known as sexual energy for optimum health and vitality, through various mental and physical techniques and exercises.

So how can this help with premature ejaculation? Building a new relationship with your mind and body around sexual pleasure is imperative and looking at existing patterns of behaviour that maybe contributing to the levels of heightened sensitivity. Bringing more awareness to these areas and learning new techniques that can change existing patterns.

The benefits of Tantric treatment as an aid for premature ejaculation

Tantra helps us to be more aware of our relationship with our self, our physical body, our personal relationships and that of our environment, these all factor into how we look at improving this challenging situation.

So, what are the benefits of the Tantric treatment for premature ejaculation? For a start, one learns more about the sources of the issue, e.g has it been an issue since puberty or was it triggered by an event or situation. Stress can also play a big part, so looking at where there are situations that cause elevated stress levels and learning how to manage those better.

Tantric treatment can help boost confidence too, men can get very disheartened and loose trust in their bodies ability to perform as they would like it to. Learn new ways to stimulate and experience pleasure, that result in longer lasting pleasure time for you and your partner.

Some key components of the Tantric treatment

The journey involves several key components, some of which are as follows:

  • Re-evaluating the thought process before self-pleasure and sex. Often, many men will only think about reaching orgasm. Tantra teaches us that there are no goals, it’s the approach and the journey that counts.
  • Being present in time. A lot of anxiety and fear comes from either living in the past or the future. Tantric treatments are all about being present and aware, the breath and all the sensations in the body, not just being a genital experience. Men with heightened sensitivity often disengage with their bodies when they become stimulated, the Tantric approach is learning to be fully engaged and connected with the body.
  • Repetition and expansion of the new techniques is important. The mind and body are amazing and have the ability to adjust however reverting back to old behavioural patterns only reinforces those, keeping within good practice for lasting results.

If there are concerns an initial appointment with your doctor is advisable, some medication can cause premature ejaculation as well as erectile dysfunction. It is always best to rule out any possible medical conditions in the first instance.

The Tantric approach is a complimentary approach. 

Thank you for reading!


Bella is a Tantric Practitioner, specialising in the field of Premature Ejaculation Control for Men using methods of Tantra, she has been involved in the alternative field for 15 years and fully embraced Tantra 6 years ago. To find out more about Tantra and Bella’s techniques, please visit our website at

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Bella Tantra

Bella is a Tantric Practitioner, specialising in the field of Premature Ejaculation Control for Men using methods of Tantra, she has been involved in the alternative field for 15 years and fully embraced Tantra 6 years ago. To find out more about Tantra and Bella’s techniques, please visit our website at


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