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Luscious Lani Khanthachack from Dallas Texas


Luscious Lani Khanthachack from Dallas Texas

Leilani is a gorgeous model from Texas who is also a part-time student and full-time mum. Read on to find out about her dream super hero costume.

Hi Lani, it’s a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

My full name is Siara Leilani Khanthachack, i’m a part time student full time mommy of a Yorkie mix, I’m from Dallas Texas, but currently residing in Chicago.

I would say that my mix is very exotic because I’ve never come across anyone with my mix I feel blessed for that.


When did you begin modelling and where did the interest come from?

My interest for modeling started when I began to hang out with guys who were into JDM and cars, I thought it was fascinating then I became obsessed with the goddess herself Dannie Riel, I would tell my friends how I wish I was like her and they would tell me I could and that I should try so as soon as I turned 18 I decided I would give it a try.

What are the perks you enjoy most about being a model?

The support I get from everyone, and VIP treatment haha.


Are you more comfortable in lingerie or bikini?

That’s easy, I would definitely have to say that I’m a lingerie kind of girl.

I can lounge around in lingerie all day and be the comfiest.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a party girl are you?

A solid nine, I can’t say I’m the life of the party but I’m definitely close to it.

If you had the choice of any superpower, what will you choose and how will your superhero costume look like?

That’s a good question, I’ve never put much thought into that but if I had to choose a superpower I would definitely want to have the ability to move things with my mind, so telekinesis is definitely for me; For the costume I would want something leather and skin tight, kind of like Cat woman’s.


Which is your favorite body part?

My favorite body part are my eyes, I have been told I have scary eyes and that makes me feel a little devilish; eyes are so beautiful you have to the power to do anything with them, a simple look and you can have a person falling for you, if done right of course.

What is the funniest or weirdest attempt a guy has tried to pick you up?

Hmmm, I don’t think I’ve had any really weird or super funny stories, most times guys just try to message me through social media or they’ll hit on me at like the grocery store nothing too odd.


Thank you for taking your time to answer our questions on SimplySxy, Lani. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is mysterious, modest, leaving the mind craving what it doesn’t know.

Follow the gorgeous Leilani Khanthachack on:

Instagram: @leilanikhan1
Facebook: Siara Elezi Khanthachack

Facebook: Leilani khanthachack
Twitter: @urdadsgf_

Snapchat: Siara2fab

Images courtesy of Leilani Khanthachack          

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