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Blogger Aggylow and her love for piano


Blogger Aggylow and her love for piano

Musically inclined and having a talent for playing the piano, blogger Aggylow talks to SimplySxy on a favourite musicians, her sense of fashion and where she will time travel to if given the opportunity in this fun interview!

Hi Agnes, it’s a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hello! It is my utmost pleasure to meet you too! (: I am Agnes and I am from Singapore. I am known to many more commonly as Aggylow and I am a fashion/beauty and lifestyle blogger. I am also a piano teacher when I’m off social media.


How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to do so?

I have been blogging since I was in Secondary 1, about 11 years ago. It all started out just blogging about my usual boring secondary school  life, and I remember at that time I was typing like this (e.g. eeux, lubzxz, foreverzxzx) HAHAHA… but yes it all started out just like that! What kept me going is the satisfaction I get when people actually do take time to read my blog and find out more about things going on in my life, I really really appreciate that! (:


You have a love of music and run a music school, Piannisimato, teaching piano to students. Where did your passion for music come from?

That is not my music school, just my little humble piano teaching business where I teach from home or head to my students’ places to teach. I started playing the piano and singing since I was 4 years old, all thanks to my Mum! Her guidance pushed my determination and helped me to get this far.

Which period of music do you enjoy playing most and do you have a favorite composer?

My favourites would be Classical, Romantic and Modern Century music as they are so different in all aspects. Classical music is mostly simple and repetitive, but good and strong playing technique is needed in order to play pieces from this period. I enjoy pieces, from Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven.

Romantic period songs requires proper mood to play each piece, mostly really dramatic changes involved. I started to appreciate this period of music as I was much older as I was more mature and able to portray the right expressions to successfully play each Romantic piece. My favourite composers are Chopin (especially!) and Tchaikovsky.

Modern Century music are my least favourite out of this three, but I really enjoy playing Jazz and Blues from this era. It makes you think more (due to rhythmic difference and style of playing) and tunes are mostly pretty light-hearted and a little quirky/wacky… like me sometimes 😛 Favourite composer of this era… none yet, I’m still finding a favourite (:


Where do you usually do your shopping?

Online, or stores like H&M, Zara, sometimes River Island. But my favourite buys are usually from overseas 😀

How will you describe your fashion style?

I’m pretty flexible, and I like a mix of everything. I can go girly, rock, chic, minimal, casual… Rojak style!


On a scale of 1-10, how much of a foodie are you? 

Eh………I guess 2? :X Oh no.. I’m not a good person to ask when it comes to food because I basically think everything is nice… because I’m not choosy or picky when it comes to food… As in I do enjoy eating but there is just other things in life I enjoy more than food… fashion and travelling!! hahaha!


If you had the opportunity to time travel, where will you go to?

Wow… this is a tough one.. I would like to be able to go back in time to prevent major disasters/deaths from happening, or going back to undo certain things that I have done causing hurt to people I love or going back in time where I can make choices all over again to prevent certain unhappiness and sadness from happening…


Thank you for taking your time to answer our questions on SimplySxy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I feel that sexiness is when you are confident yet humble, love yourself, be determined about what you enjoy doing and most importantly cherish and love the people around you! Because when you do all of that, you will feel happiness from the bottom of your heart and being happy, enjoying the company of your loved ones and doing the things you enjoy makes you really sexy! 😉

Follow the talented Aggylow on:



I have an upcoming project – my new online fashion boutique selling womenswear at It is currently undergoing construction but interested parties may leave their emails to get first-hand updates!

Images courtesy of Aggylow

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