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Freelance talent Jiazhen Chan


Freelance talent Jiazhen Chan

Hi Jiazhen, it’s a great pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy. Can you share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

I’m currently 22 this year and I am working in a full time alcohol trade while still working events on a freelance basis. I’ve completed a bachelor degree in Tourism Events and Public Relations.

Do you have any hobbies?

I’m a freelance event talent which includes modeling as well as singing, I’ve been working at a pub as a freelance singer for some years but stopped recently. Being like a common lady who loves to doll up myself, I’m actively in badminton since I was 14.


How will you describe your fashion style?  

I am definitely not the lady with the best fashion style but I am always doing my best to be out with my own choice of fashion clothing’s for myself.

What are some must have items in your wardrobe?

Oversized blouse and shorts is a MUST, together with my favourite few pieces of outer wear.

Have you done anything crazy before and not regret?

I’ve pluck out my biggest courage to be part of the alcohol trade being on 22 and still without experience, I’m always learning and picking up new skills to make sure I would not ever regret in my choices to be in this line.


Where can we find you partying on weekends?

I don’t usually party but I drink at different locations due to work purposes

What is your idea of a romantic getaway?

Being in a cosy room with my loved one and enjoying a night of movie marathon.

Thank you for taking your time to answer our questions on SimplySxy, Jiazhen. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is definitely the confidence in you, everyone is pretty in their own way and we’ve to learn to appreciate our body before others could appreciate you.

Follow the pretty Jiazhen on:
Instagram: @jiazhennn

Images courtesy of Jiazhen Chan

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