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Priscilia Wong rocks a bikini like no other


Priscilia Wong rocks a bikini like no other

Beautiful, spotting a great figure and with a sense of adventure, Singaporean model Priscilia Wong captures your attention when you see her. We catch her before she starts school in LA and find out the naughtiest thing she has done and whether she prefers being in lingerie or bikini.

SimplySxy: Hi Priscilia, thank you very much for your time taken to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Can you share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Priscilia: Hi everyone, I am 23 years old and I’m from sunny Singapore. I am currently waiting for school in Los Angeles, USA. Really excited for that! I love traveling around the world to learn more about other people’s culture! I’m very adventurous! I love learning new things in life and meeting new people out there!


SimplySxy: How will you describe your personal fashion style?

Priscilia: I would say my personal style is chic, bold and classy. I’m always open to stepping out of my comfort zone and switching up my looks. I have so many different pieces in my wardrobe and I love mixing and matching to create different outfits.

SimplySxy: What are some accessories and items you can’t leave home without?

Priscilia: My sunnies, my rings and bracelets. I feel that these accessories spice up my look overall.


SimplySxy: Which is one city you will love to visit but have yet to do so?

Priscilia: Santorini!! It’s so beautiful!

SimplySxy: What is your beauty secret to looking so good?

Priscilia: I would say drink loads and loads of water to keep your skin hydrated and have at least 8 hours of beauty sleep.

SimplySxy: Are you more of a lingerie or bikini girl?

Priscilia: Hmm I would say both? I love going to Victoria’s Secret and La Senza to shop for lingerie.. Especially those with intricate designs on it.. It’s so pretty to look at haha. I love going to the beach too so I’m always in need of new sets of bikini!


SimplySxy: What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?

Priscilia: Asking a homeless person if I could borrow a dollar just for fun haha..

SimplySxy: It’s been a great pleasure to have you on SimplySxy, Priscilia. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Priscilia: To me, sexy is when a woman can stand up for her own beliefs and for her goals. Most importantly is having confidence and the right attitude!

Follow the beautiful Priscilia on:
Instagram: @prisciliaw

Snapchat: prisciliawong

Featured image courtesy of Priscilia Wong

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