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Brenda R. Alegre

Brenda R

Brenda joined STRAP in 2005. STRAP (Society of Transsexual Women Advocates of the Philippines) is the first and longest existing and most renowned and consistently active Rights, Advocacy and support group for Transgender women in the Philippines. Most of the members of STRAP are based in the Philippines but there are now members from US, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia. STRAP members has now branched out and established their own organizations. STRAP has always been the most present and vocal transgender rights group.

Brenda Alegre is a Psychology and LGBT and Gender and Sexuality expert. She has appeared in various TV Programs in the Philippines and even in TVB Pearl of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Radio program, RTHK. Recently she appeared in Out and Proud in GMA 7 Philippines. She is likely one of the first out transgender person to make an academic based research on transgender experiences in the Philippines.


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