Stories By SimplySxy Editorial Team
INFOG: Everyone You Know Watches Porn
October 19, 201330% of all internet bandwidth is used for Porn! With more monthly unique visitors than Netflix,...
Sex Ed
INFOG: 12 Myths about Sex
October 12, 201312 Myths about sex by The Institute for the Study of Urologic Diseases (ISUD) Explore more infographics like...
Sex Ed
Ins and Outs of Vibrators
October 10, 20132013. We’re surrounded by dozens of different vibrators in all shapes and sizes to choose from....
Sex Ed
INFOG: A Vibrator for Your Teenage Daughter: Keeping Her from Having Sex Too Early and More
October 9, 2013This is an infographic on how to buy a vibrator for your teenage daughter. By doing...
Sex Ed
INFOG: What Makes You Hot?
October 9, 2013Looking for that extra boost in the bedroom? Aphrodisiacs have been around for centuries and today...
Sex Ed
INFOG: Condoms, the things you didn’t know
September 25, 2013We use them, chuck them, some even suck them. However, did you know that seemingly humble...
Sex Ed
INFOG: Sex Injuries?
September 25, 2013Insurance companies will do anything to get us covered including creating infogs about how dangerous man’s...