Hi Missy, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?
Hello! I started cosplaying from the young age of 13 when I lived in the beach town of Corpus Christi TX, I began taking my cosplaying seriously at the age of 18 and moved to San Antonio TX to have more opportunities and I’ve never looked back! Well except when I miss the beach days! Now I go to around 2 conventions per month as a guest cosplayer meeting fans throughout the U.S. and most recently I just returned from Monterrey Mexico!

What do you love most about cosplaying?
My absolute favorite thing about cosplaying is being able to give back to a community that has already given me so much, I don’t mean money, and I don’t necessarily mean love. When I was younger I had no friends, I was shy and all of my friends ended up moving and changing schools, so what friends I did have ended up leaving. I was able to find friends online and find friends at conventions through cosplaying and through this nerdy community. This community has taught me how to be more outgoing and has given me a life to live and some where to go and immediately fit in and have so many people who love me for being me. I am just so happy and am glad I can serve the people and community that have given me so much.

Which is your favorite character you have enjoyed cosplaying so far?
Recently, I’ve basically broken the internet with my Female Super Saiyan Goku from the Dragon Ball series! I love this cosplay so much! It gives me so many feelings of nostalgia, and I really just feel like I identify with Goku’s goofy side but also I can be serious and competitive when I want to! not to mention the costume is super comfortable!

Is there a particular genre of modeling you are particular drawn to?
I actually really enjoy doing my fitness modeling, as well as alternative modeling. Fitness because I love showing off the work I do in the gym and in the kitchen (abs start in the kitchen!). And alternative modeling because so many creative ideas can take place, it’s not just restricted to colored hair and tattoos but ranges from fantasy photoshoots to abstract concepts!

What is a typical day like for you?
I SLAY DRAGONS AND SAVE PRINCESSES! No, just kidding! I normally try to wake up around 7am or 8am and take in a good breakfast of 8 eggs with spinach and mushrooms. I hit the gym from about 10am-1pm, have food (chicken and vegetables) and shower at the gym (gym is my second home) and leave around 2pm, I get some errands done before going home, then jump on the computer and do emails or photo/video work. then in the evening I watch a movie or some episodes of whatever series I’m following, maybe wrestling, depending on the day of the week and sleep around 11 or so. TADA

Are you more of a morning person or night owl?
I am more of a morning person! Gotta get the work done, then play!
How much of a thrill seeker are you?
I’m an anxious person but a bit of an adrenaline junkie. HOW you may ask, well you see, I really do like thrill seeking though but in controlled environments. I go on the largest rides and biggest roller coasters at the carnival. I do small, harmless, consequence-less practical jokes on my roommates. Sometimes I call “all in” on poker night when I have a bad hand and end up winning.

Which is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?
Okay, so this guy asked me if I enjoyed Mexican food, and then proceeds to recommend a place that is known for seafood. lol WAT.

It is a pleasure to feature you Missy. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?
I would have to say “sexy” is definitely an attitude. It’s not what you look like, it’s that look you give others. It’s being the alpha, not the beta. Knowing what you want and taking it. Not being needy but being needed.
Follow the beautiful Missy Mayhem on:
Website: http://www.TheMissyMayhem.com/
Store: http://www.slmissy.storenvy.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/slmissy
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/slmissy
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/slmissy
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/slmissy
Upcoming Works: I just changed brands, (YAY) Please help me get the word out by following my social media pages and sharing your favorite photo!
Images courtesy of Missy Mayhem
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