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SoCal Cosplayer Jane Sin


SoCal Cosplayer Jane Sin

Hi Jane, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hello! Thanks for having me. I’m a 26 year old Cosplayer based in SoCal. When I’m not working on cosplay I’m either at work, the gym, or playing games and cuddling with my cat Lola.

Photo by Alive Alf Photography

When and how did your interest in cosplay start?

I’ve always enjoyed making things, so I think it was only a matter of time before I merged that interest with my anime/game interests. A friend of mine encouraged me to make a cosplay with her 3 years ago, and I’ve been addicted ever since.

Photo by Alive Alf Photography

What is a typical day like for you?

I usually start out the day at work (I currently work in a genetics lab), answer emails and post on social media when I remember to. When I get home I’ll eat dinner, do chores, and then gym, play games, or work on cosplay. On weekends I try to work on cosplay as much as possible along with errands or photoshoots/cons. Admittedly it can be tough to juggle my projects and spending time with my friends, family, and SO.

Photo by Extra Noodles Co.

Which cosplay character do you wish was real?

Can I wish all of them to be real?? I love them all for different reasons it would be really hard to pick just one!

Photo by Indiglue

How much of a foodie are you?

I’m usually not picky at all; I could go for a fancy hipster fusion place or Del Taco (their turkey tacos are pretty good). I don’t think I’m a great foodie haha. Although I do love cafes, donut and dessert places. Breweries are always nice too!

Photo by Indiglue

Are you a morning person or night owl?

I found a meme that describes me perfectly; I’m neither! I’m a perpetually exhausted pigeon of some unknown species. I feel like I need to sleep 12 hours a day or something to feel fully rested.

Photo by Indiglue

If you could time travel, where will you wish to go?

Most definitely the future! Maybe a few hundred years from now. I want to see what kind of robots and cyborgs are around.

Photo by Indiglue

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you? 

I’m not really sure about this one. I think I can recall someone trying to start conversation at a shuttle stop by saying I look a lot like his ex girlfriend. Needless to say that was a very awkward shuttle ride o_o.

Photo by Indiglue

It is a pleasure to feature you Jane. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I think it is much more than outside appearance; it’s also an attitude and an internal confidence. When you really accept yourself and develop that internal confidence and comfortability, it definitely shows in how you carry yourself and how you react to people around you.

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Jane will be Ishtar for Fanime 2017, Zelda for Fanime/Anime Expo 2017. Catch her there!

Featured image courtesy of Indiglue

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