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Anime & Conspiracy Theory Lover Elysia Marie Brown


Anime & Conspiracy Theory Lover Elysia Marie Brown

Hi Elysia it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Well I am 24 years old, I am from Texas. I have a dog that is the love of my life, she will be the only kid I will ever have, children suck. I love conspiracy theories, anime, and of course working out because I want to look like a superhero, oh and food.

What is your fashion style?

I like to either dress like a homeless person or not wear much clothes at all. Or sometimes go all out and wear a wig and pretend I’m someone else.

Is there a fashion trend you wish to see make a comeback?

Fanny packs because SNACKS.

How do you relax or unwind after a long day?

Get high and get on Reddit.

Do you believe in any superstition?

Who am I to say alien’s, the Mothman, or Big Foot isn’t real. I will definitely watch 50 YouTube videos on the subject haha.

If you could personally witness anything, what would you want to have seen?

Oh man so many things but I would  love to have been there when (if) 😉 we landed on the moon.

Have you experienced a funny or embarrassing moment before?

I was on a date once at on the border, it was winter and I had this huge coat on. I went to use the restroom and somehow got toilet paper caught in my pants and it was hanging outside of my coat as I walked all the way back to the table where my date was.  The dude never went on a date with me again.

What turns you off on a date?

Talking about yourself more than you should. Gross.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Elysia. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Being you.

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Images courtesy of Elysia Marie Brown

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