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Chelsea Ng Loves All Things Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle


Chelsea Ng Loves All Things Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle

Hi Chelsea, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy. Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hello readers! OMG it’s my greatest honor to be featured by SimplySxy! Well, my name is Chelsea Ng and I’m from Malaysia! I was born and raised in a beautiful town, Kuantan where the Lynas are located at (and I’m thankful that I’m still alive, damn). Just completed my two year degree in Victoria University months ago and that’s the world welcoming me to the adult life!! Hahahahaa.



How will you describe your fashion style?

Honest speaking I don’t really have a specific style for myself though. It pretty much depends on my “mood of the day”. But one fact about my style is white. I am a forever #whiteaddiction, I don’t know why, it’s just like the world has only offered me one colour which is sadly white that I can’t even look into any other colour that fits me better than this loll.

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Where do you usually shop and what are your preferred brands?

Oh well, this is the toughest question out of all LOL. Hmm.. I’m such an indecisive person. I don’t have a favorite brand. Actually I probably do, I love Forever21. I can’t really pick favorites because I’m just so indecisive.


Which is the most expensive item you have ever splurged on?

(*evil laugh*) I would say… lipsticks! I cry a little looking at the amount of money I have spent on lipsticks in the past couple of weeks.

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What is your beauty regime like to looking so gorgeous?

I’m just gonna say, I’d never own myself any beauty product or skincare to sustain a flawless skin, yes not even a sunblock LOL. I often get scolded by my beautician but I’m just lazy to put on so many shit on my face. (I know I’m terrible). My basic essential is just, cleanser and toner, that is all.


How much of a foodie are you?

I don’t know if this question is asking about how much I can eat or how much knowledge I have about food. Well let me answer both. I enjoy food a lot, I love good food (I mean who doesn’t love foods???) but wait, one thing you gotta know about me is I LOVE BELGIUM WAFFLES super a lottttt, I gotta specifically state that because I honestly do love waffles a lot and even considered myself a waffle freak!

I hunt for good waffles very often. Do question me if you wanna know some great café for waffles! … (Yummm) Anyways, there’s still a long way to go before I can start calling myself a foodie because honestly I need to brush up a lot on my food knowledge.


What hobbies do you have?



If you had the chance to travel to anywhere in the world, where will it be and why?

If I can travel to any country, I would easily go to America. I love America so much, there are still so many different places that I wanna see. I wanna go Florida, I wanna go DC and I wanna go back to Las Vegas so badddd. It was literally the most beautiful places that I have ever visited in my lifetime and yes, please take me back to Vegassss. Anyway, I have never been to Japan, it is also one of my very top wish list. It would be my next long vacay for sure.


It’s a pleasure to feature you Chelsea. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

For me, sexy is the way you carry yourself in every way. Who’s confident and comfortable in their overall look, how they dress how they walk eat talk everything.

Follow the beautiful Chelsea Ng on:

Snapchat: cclov3
YouTube: Chelsea Ng

Images courtesy of Chelsea Ng

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