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How I Met My Wife

Sex Ed

How I Met My Wife

For us, sex comes in different levels of work sex, which is for income purposes. Lust sex is that person you are itching to get it on with, we are that much in love, monogamous and not sharing sex. So we film other people.

How I First Met My Wife

I met my wife on a set in Las Vegas. I started 70Screw and needed a real hot female model, so my wifes’ ex-husband answered my film ad, they show up on time, and the husband filmed the scene. We made a good connection and stayed in touch.

Our First Date

On our first official date, my wife and I got some medicated rice crispy treats, and the plan was to hang out, and watch a movie. Well the weed rice crispy knocked us out till 4am. After which my wife jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Nothing happened but my wife was ashamed that she had no make up on.

What 70Screw Specializes In

We specialize in 70Screw style, not pro studio but not shitty cell phone video. We captured some of the wildest angles, we stand on sofas, tables, chairs, we sometimes get almost in bed with our models but our clothes stay on. We leave the work to the professionals (models).

Upcoming Work From 70Screw

We have created the Pro Amateur Adult Film Tour, featuring and promoting some up and coming new adult film models. We believe it’s time for some fresh faces, no offence to the veterans, they did pave the way, and I do believe it’s something all adult film fans can enjoy for a long time.

Amber and Chris – 70screw Productions Las Vegas Style Adult Entertainment. Pro amateur adult film’s only openly monogamous interracial film couple.

Upcoming promotions is the Pro Amateur Adult Film Tour has begun, the videos are at

We have 70screw and Amber Leah dot com, shirts, mask, hoodies, shoes and porn gift boxes.

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Images from Amber and Chris

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Amber and Chris

Pro amateur adult film's only openly monogamous interracial film couple


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