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Ways To Give A Blowjob

Sex Ed

Ways To Give A Blowjob

For me, blowjobs are like a warm up before sex. I take it very seriously and is a bit of a ritual also, where I show what I can do with my tongue which can turn you crazy and you better match up my “oral skills” when you come down on me!

Favorite Blowjob Positions

I do not have a favorite, but I prefer the common sitting and I on my knees, or when I lay down and the guy literally fucks my face, let’s say.

Favorite Techniques

I like to do long and slow suctions, while I twist my tongue along.

Important Blowjob Giving Tips

Always watch out on your teeth position, especially if you have a gap like me.

Try to make your mouth very wet, drink plenty of water before and make some noise.

I hate to see those dead people blowjobs, like the giver is sleeping or something.

Best Place A Guy Can Ejaculate

For sure in my mouth is the best, but can be on the face too. Those are my favorite spots.

Luna Corazon – Hello, there! I am Luna Corazon from Brazil. I normally say that I have a gypsy life, since I am based in nowhere for the past few years and I besides being an adult performer, I am a daughter, aunt of 4 kids and the youngest out of a trio of girls.

If you can not handle the truth, better do not come near me. I stop long ago to please people with lies or a “good behavior”.

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Just keep tuned on my Twitter to see my new movies previews and @mydirtyhobby blog I update my tour dates.

Photos courtesy of Luna Corazon

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Luna Corazon

Hello, there! I am Luna Corazon from Brazil. I normally say that I have a gypsy life, since I am based in nowhere for the past few years and I besides being an adult performer, I am a daughter, aunt of 4 kids and the youngest out of a trio of girls. If you can not handle the truth, better do not come near me. I stop long ago to please people with lies or a “good behavior”.


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