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Entrepreneur & Influencer Brittany Grace


Entrepreneur & Influencer Brittany Grace

What is your proudest achievement so far?

Building my brand Not Another Blonde to what it is today.

Where did the inspiration to start your business come from?

Feeling uneasy at the thought of working for someone else for the rest of my life… or I guess that’s what my motivation is now. I started Not Another Blonde because it was my dream. I had (and still do have) a passion in me that hasn’t been fulfilled doing anything else and that feeling is my driving force on my darkest days as corny as that sounds.

Do you have any favorite motto or quotes you like to use?

“You don’t get what you don’t ask for” – Sophia Amoruso

Can you describe a typical day like for yourself?

Wake up, work out, hydrate, meditate, gratitude journal, protein smoothie, emails, and then I work on my tasks for the day. Each day is different and I only work on things that are going to  make everything else easier for myself later. I also only work on things I can work on. I outsource “menial” tasks like social media scheduling and cold emailing to my team.

Which was the last movie you caught and was it any good?

The Hitman’s Bodyguard and it was pretty good! Not an award winner or anything, but it was cute, funny, and had a good message. I love Ryan Reynolds.

If you could change one thing about the world, what will it be?

How we treat it. Deforestation, ocean pollution, air pollution, lack of recycling, etc. Leonardo DiCaprio has a great message and has been doing great things to bring awareness to these issues and I stand behind him in that respect. I try to show my followers it’s cool to be cool to the environment in hopes it will inspire them to do the same.

What do you not get about guys?

Nothing? I feel like they’re pretty easy to read and simple minded… kidding about that last part. It’s the girls I have a problem understanding!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Brittany. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Confidence and the ability to live life unapologetically.

Follow the beautiful Brittany Grace on:


Instagram: @notanotherblonde | @nabmediagroup


Images courtesy of Brittany Grace

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