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Detroit Fashion Model Jessie Meyer


Detroit Fashion Model Jessie Meyer

Well, I’m from Detroit Michigan, and I’m a fashion model. I don’t know what it is, but I just love being in front of the camera. I’m very charismatic and easy going.

What is the best compliment you have received?

My boyfriend actually gave me this compliment. I was having a really bad day so he was texting me trying to make me feel better, and he texted me that I was a beautiful woman with a delicate soul. And I don’t know why but that just touched me. He’s always so sweet though.

Do you have any hobbies?

I actually consider myself somewhat of a jack of all trades because I have a lot of hobbies. To name a few: drawing, painting, jewelry making, etc.

How is your fashion style like?

To be honest, it’s kind of just all over the place. I represent a brand (Epyon Royal) so I wear their stuff a lot. But I guess I’m more on the edgy side? I just like looking different, but looking good.

Do you have a sweet tooth?

Do I?! To be honest, I think all of my teeth are sweet teeth. I love sweets, which means lots of time at the gym.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

I hate to be kind of basic, but I would love to go to New York for Christmas. It always looks so beautiful. I would love to go for a ride through Central Park, stroll down the street, and look at all the Christmas lights. It just sounds so beautiful.

Funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

Even though it was lame, borderline creepy, he still became my boyfriend, so it must have been too lame. He added me on Facebook and noticed that his best friend had also lived in my hometown, so he messaged me and said, “So I see you’re from Crossville Tennessee, my best friend is also from there, you might know him.” And that’s how we started talking and now we’ve been together for a year.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Jessie. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I don’t think sexy is a look, it’s a feeling. For me, because I can’t speak for everyone, sexy is when I feel so confident with myself and with my body that I want to express it; whether it be by my actions or what I’m wearing.

Follow the gorgeous Jessie Meyer on:

Instagram: @queenjesssii

Images courtesy of Jessie Meyer

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