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Pricing Your Rates As An Escort

Sex Ed

Pricing Your Rates As An Escort

Escorting is one of the oldest hustles in the book because everyone craves companionship. It is built into our DNA. The crave for attention with sexual satisfaction will never go away. Every day people go on dates, text, talk on the phone, send sexy pictures, have sex and hangout for free. I, however , am compensated for participating in these same activities.

As an independent escort, I control the hours I work, which clients I see, my hourly rate, and where to work. Because of escorting, I have been able to travel to many different places within the US. I look forward to traveling abroad to expand my brand. I love this profession and have the freedom that I want. I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I am a rebel at heart and escorting gives me the freedom to do as I please.

Typical Rates For Escorting

There is no “standard” rate with escorting. An escort can price their time however they’d like. Finding the correct rate can be tricky. Rates depend on many things, such as: location, niche, competition, services, etc. An escort can price themselves at 600 an hour in New York and do well there, but might not do so well in a small city of Utah. This can be because the clients in New York make more and/or the minimum wage is higher there.

Is Price A Determining Factor?

Just like anything a person pays for, rates are a determining factor. Same thing with choosing an escort. It’s like searching for a new car. You may see something you like but can you afford it? Can you pay for it all at once or do you need to save? Some clients consider hiring an escort, a luxury. These clients care more about the overall experience versus just a “wham, bam, thank you ma’m”.

There are clients who save up to see an escort, which may warrant them a few visits out of the year. There are also clients who see escorts weekly or a few times a week. The rate a client is comfortable with paying depends on them. Some clients wouldn’t dare pay over $200 an hour to see an escort versus clients that pay $700+ and are happy they did it. There’s escorts at all price ranges so there are clients at all price ranges. Clients spend what they’re comfortable with.

Common Misconceptions About Pricing

There are common misconceptions in relation to rates. I’m going to touch on three:

A) Escorts with lower rates are low class

This is not true. Rates do NOT determine social class. An escort can charge what she wants for her time.

B) Escorts with a higher rate (high end) make more money

In relation to rates, this isn’t necessarily true. This depends on how many clients the escort is seeing a day. Just because an escort’s rate is higher, doesn’t mean she makes more than an escort who’s rate is lower. Some high end escorts are low volume, meaning they see an average of one client a day. Some escorts are higher end, specifically to be low volume.

A higher end provider may be out of reach (price wise) for the average client, hence being low volume at a higher rate. There are escorts with lower rates who are high volume and see anywhere from 3+ clients a day, for many reasons. Some escorts prefer lower rates because they love being busy (high volume). Some escorts have lower rates due to being survival escorts, meaning they work to make ends meet. An escorts’ rate doesn’t determine their actual worth but how busy they’d like to be and how much they wish to make per day.

C) Escorts with a higher rate are more successful

Everyone determines success differently. There is no universal definition for success. Escorting can be done in many ways and rates reflect that. An escort can charge whatever for their time. There are escorts who start out with lower rates and gradually rise over time and experience. There are also escorts who start out higher end. The only way to determine if an escort is successful is to ask them directly. Many escorts are open to sharing their journey if asked.

Sasha Benjamin – I am a Northern California girl  based in Central Florida. I hold a baccalaureate degree and am currently working towards a degree in Naturopathic Medicine. I love to travel, eat and laugh. My biggest guide in life is, “Do whatever makes you happy.” This guide helps me live to the best of my abilities. Life is too short to not enjoy.

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Sasha Benjamin

I am a Northern California girl based in Central Florida. I hold a baccalaureate degree and am currently working towards a degree in Naturopathic Medicine. I love to travel, eat and laugh. My biggest guide in life is, "Do whatever makes you happy." This guide helps me live to the best of my abilities. Life is too short to not enjoy.


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