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Louisiana Cosplayer Reagan Kathryn


Louisiana Cosplayer Reagan Kathryn

Hi Reagan thank you for taking the time to answer our questions on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

HELLO <3. My name is Reagan Kathryn and I am a 22-year-old Cosplayer from Louisiana living in Southern California! I started cosplaying in February of 2016 (I’M ALMOST AT A YEAR NOW!) and I have never looked back! I really love dinosaurs and chickens… I blame harvest moon for the chicken obsession. And I am also really bad at introducing myself. You will realize this if you ever meet me in person. I’m terribly awkward.

How did your interest in Cosplay begin?

I was never really allowed to participate in things like Halloween when I was growing up… So I think cosplay is like a delayed reaction. Also when I moved to California at the start of 2016, the only person I knew was a cosplayer. Cosplaying was how I started to make friends, express myself, and really give me a self confidence and worth I never had before.

Which characters have you enjoyed cosplaying most?

Mercy and Rapunzel!! Rapunzel is super fun and Mercy just makes me feel super sexy and good about myself! My Mercy boudoir is probably one of my favorite things I’ve done!

Has there been an embarrassing episode you witnessed at a cosplay event?

I am basically the most embarrassing. I fall constantly, get way to excited to meet people and whenever someone compliments me I immediately go into a weird dinosaur pose. I can’t help it…

If you could have a super power, what will you choose to have?

Teleportation. I think about this a lot actually… Like I could teleport to so many different convention and meet so many cool people! Also I could have breakfast in my house, then lunch in Hong Kong and dinner in Rome… That would be really awesome!

What do you like to do in your free time besides cosplay?

There is such a thing as free time?!?!? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME I COULD HAVE THAT??

Are you a morning person or night owl? 

I am most certainly a morning person (as long as morning counts as “I have had at least one cup of coffee already”) The second it gets dark outside I am ready to be in my bed. But if the sky is awake, I am awake (queue Anna gif here)

How much of a party animal are you?

I am in bed by like… 8pm. I am such a granny! The only time I am ever up late is to finish a cosplay!

It’s a pleasure to feature you Reagan. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

This has been a hard term for me. I lived about 21 years of my life being ashamed of feeling or being sexy. I thought that it was something that was bad. But since joining the cosplay community I have learned so much and grown so much. I think Sexy is someone who is un-apologetically themselves. If you like to only wear your bra and undies, I LOVE IT (I love to only wear these things). If you feel super sexy in big t-shirts or pretty dresses, that’s wonderful. I think confidence and being in love with who you are is about as Sexy as someone can get.

Follow the beautiful Reagan Kathryn on:
Instagram: @ReaganKathryn

Official Website (Cosplay help and prints):

Featured image courtesy of Reagan Kathryn

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