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Bass Player Jenni D Of Evening Espresso


Bass Player Jenni D Of Evening Espresso

It’s a pleasure to be viewed as interesting enough to be interviewed. I’m just a regular university student in the world city of Sydney, Australia. I’m also a bass player for a band called Evening Espresso. We cover contemporary music from 80s – present, covers, jazz, pop, everything for whatever occasion.

What is the best compliment you have received?

The best compliment that I have received are that my brows look good, because I like reply back, “thanks, I got them tattooed on”. It’s just funny to see people’s reactions to that.

Do you have any hobbies?

Besides the usual sleeping and eating at different eateries, I love hiking  (even though I’m very unfit). It’s the only time that I truly get to appreciate nature outside of looking at nice scenery photos on Instagram and learning about the environment at university.

How will you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style is to wear anything that is cute (for the season and occasion), but most importantly comfortable. Most days, you will find me wearing a t-shirt with a pair of shorts and sneakers. I get my clothes mainly second hand from my mum and friends.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now?

I once cried because I didn’t have enough milk for my cereal in front of my friend. In my defence, I was on my period then.

Is there a food or drink you can’t live without?

I can’t live without ice cream, despite knowing how bad dairy is for my body and the environment. I am on the look out for some dairy free alternatives, so if anyone can DM me some suggestions that is actually available in Sydney, that would be great.

If you could time travel, what will you like to experience or witness?

I would travel to the future, where the world uses only renewable energy and intersectional feminism is what dictates society’s core values.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

From my friend’s memory, apparently a guy said to my dad that he played guitar to impress my dad and me, even though I already knew he didn’t (I come from a family of musicians). Whilst that was happening, I was in a Skype call, on my phone, with my friends, so they could hear everything. Then, they were just writing in the Skype conversation “make him stop or else we’re gonna fight him”. It’s not cool to say random things to impress people.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Jennifer. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I would define sexy as being confident and comfortable with the physical and mental features that someone was born with or has cultivated for themselves such as intelligence, empathy, or a super sharp jawbone that someone can cut me with.

Follow the beautiful Jenni D on:



If you’re from Sydney, come see me perform at TET – 2018 NSW Vietnamese New Year Festival, located in Prairiewood, NSW, Australia.

Images courtesy of Jenni D

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