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The Art of Spanking


The Art of Spanking

A collection of fantastic original art by RedRump.  Watch out for his article on Spanking Art later this month but for now, enjoy and admire RedRump’s finest artworks in their full glory.

FetchMyBelt - A

Fetch My Belt


OTK_001 - A

On The Knee

TowardDomesticHarmony - A

Towards Domestic Harmony

Your Turn - A

Your Turn!

A Job Well Done Final - A

A Job Well Done

Apron - A


BeautyandtheBrush2 - A

Beauty and the Brush

TheGirlLovesStripes - A

The Girl Loves Stripes



Images courtesy of RedRump

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Red Rump

I am a commercial artist and art lover who combines his love of art with a lifelong fascination for spanking and female authority figures, especially those of a 50’s retro appeal. Over the years, my tastes in art have matured, but my enthusiasm for the sight of an inviting lap and the thrill of being hauled over it has been one of the few constants in life.


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