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Artist Cristina Ji


Artist Cristina Ji

My ethnicity is Chinese but I was born in Spain!

How is your fashion style like and where do you love to shop from?

I don’t have a specific settled fashion style, but I feel most comfortable with oversized or not too adjusted clothes, so neither has a favorite shop. With Covid hitting this past year, I have shopped online a lot, and a lot of my clothes come from small Instagram businesses.

Was art always a huge part of your life while growing up?

Definitely, I don’t know where I would be right now if it wasn’t for art. I have always loved drawing since I was a child, and still do nowadays. More than a hobby, it has now turned into a lifestyle and it would be a dream if I could make this passion into a living.

Where do you get your artistic inspiration from?

Life overall, we are living surrounded by art so if you look closely, anything can turn into a reference or inspiration. Our eyes are the cameras.

Which is the best compliment you have received?

“You have improved a lot!”

This type of compliments always makes me so excited and happy, as it reflects that my effort and hard work is being seen or noticed. It’s always good to know that you are making progress.

What 3 things do you love doing in the city you live in?

I have just moved back to Spain for holidays, in a small town that barely has anything, not too interesting but as it is the place where I grew up, I do have a special affection for it.

If you could have a superpower, what will it be?

People would think of many different superpowers that could make their lives easier, but my first thought was as simple and basic as flying, whenever I have lucid dreams, I imagine myself flying, and it is so calm and feels alive.

What turns you off on a date?

Bad morals, if there is something I absolutely hate, is people with bad morals, who are close minded and ignorant. This could be reflected in just one sentence and word. Things like this would make me leave the date instantly without any explanation.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Cristina. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

This might be a weird answer, I don’t feel extremely attracted to muscles, veins, abdominals etc or anything physical at all. I pay more attention to intelligence and someone’s sensitivity to treat and understand people .

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Images courtesy of Cristina Ji

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