Everyone has sexual fantasies. Perhaps some may dream about re-creating the red room of pain from a popular movie or maybe you just like to try new positions with your partner to level up your sex life. Either way, talking about any sexual desire can be a vulnerable and awkward experience. So, how can you be more adventurous in bed?
Other than searching for the best sex tips and advice, there are various ways to be more adventurous, and these may include the following:
- Communicate Honestly And Openly With Your Partner
Asking your partner to try something new in bed may frequently make the other person feel a little insecure. If your partner says no to your request, it’ll typically leave you feeling prudish, unadventurous, and unsexy. To avoid this, be open with your partner about why certain fantasies appeal to you while reassuring them that you find them sexy.
Also, sharing sexual fantasies must be taken as a compliment. They’re showing commitment and trust by asking you, instead of seeking it elsewhere and taking the coward’s way out
2. Start With A Massage Or A Bath
Rather than jumping into lovemaking, why not try something that’ll relax both of you and will help you feel intimate? Doing something that’ll connect you intimately with your partner shows that you care about your relationship, and you’re not just after sex. So, take a shower and cuddle in a warm bath. Let your partner massage you, and relax before you have amazing sex.
3. Create Rules
One of the ways to be more adventurous in bed is by prohibiting standby activities for a certain period. Have a rule that you can’t go down for a certain position for several weeks, or you can tweak the position to something like you’re both not allowed to do anything except kissing one another for the whole week. It could be an arbitrary rule, but it’ll feel a bit sexy that particular things aren’t allowed.
4. Use Sexual Vocabulary
While learning some new sex positions is essential, there are ways to be more adventurous in bed, and one of them is by talking dirty. It can be used in bed and out of it to keep some things spicy. For instance, you can send dirty text messages or watch instructional videos where you can use dirty talk to keep your partner attracted to you and to build sexual tension.
5. Learn New Positions
Learning new positions is another thing you should take into consideration, especially if you’re serious about being more adventurous in bed.
At present, there are countless sex positions you can try that you’ll never get bored in bed. Depending on your preferences, talk with your partner about the positions you can try so that you both can agree on which to consider.
6. Play Games
Another way to be more adventurous in bed is to be playful and creative. There are many fun ways to turn lovemaking into a game. Make some bets on trivia questions and let the prize be a massage. Wrestle with one another naked and tease each other. With such ideas, you can make your bedroom the liveliest place ever, which can be of great help to awaken your sex life.
7. Experiment With Your Fantasies
Many people think that they must only suggest to their partner the activities they know she or he would want to accept. This is because others are scared of being vulnerable and how their partner will perceive them if they suggest a certain activity. For this reason, some tend to depend on standbys, and play it safe. The only problem is that it’s hard to know if you’ll like something if you haven’t tried it yet. Just explore such things that sound interesting to you. For instance, the idea of being dominated might bring curiosity, but you’re afraid to suggest it. The best thing that you should do is to give it a shot. Even if it doesn’t end up being your favorite activity, you’ll have a new experience with your lover.
8. Set Boundaries And Be Clear On What You Want
Many people can cope with doing some unusual sexual things consistently. However, some people want it simple. This is the reason setting boundaries and being clear on what you want can make everything more comfortable, build trust, and create a positive experience.
Final Thoughts
While you don’t always have to try something new in bed, the willingness to be adventurous can help you achieve a more satisfying sex life and happy relationship. Trying some new things can also keep you and your partner closer together and will teach you more about yourself in the process. So, keep the above tips in mind and get ready to spice up your relationship.
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