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Why Should Men Hire A Sex Coach? (Part II)

Sex Ed

Why Should Men Hire A Sex Coach? (Part II)

I will tell you that being a tantric sex coach has taught me that there is no stereotype. All seekers who feel called to a higher level of conscious sexuality needs support!

Why do I coach men? 

There were decades of patriarchy, still, there are no ROLE models for the men in the 21st century. ⁠

Think about how you been raised up.⁠

What stories you have been fed by your parents, the media, your religion, your friends, your ex-lovers. ⁠ All a big B.S, as there is a huge double standard. ⁠

Your favourite woman teach you how ⁠
“not to be too sensitive” ⁠
“not to cry or show emotions” ⁠
“run the household and just work your ass off” ⁠

Then another woman ( your girlfriend, wife, lover) will complain that you are not sensitive, present, feeling enough. ⁠BUT it’s not your fault. It’s the society we live in. ⁠Think about growing up – how and where did you learn how to be intimate? Show emotions? Make love? Create a balance between work and play? ⁠


Everyone talks about the divine feminine, rising of QUEENs, but who will support and heal the KING’s? If no-one teaches the KING’s to be, there won’t be Queens or equality either. So we need both polarities within and around us for ultimate sexual FREEDOM.

Learning Sex Mastery & Skills For The Bedroom⁠

One of the biggest cravings for women is the question⁠

If I let go, go absolutely crazy, wild and deep in orgasms… can he just be there to look into my eyes and hold me in his arms while giving me space and care to surrender into divine feminity?⁠

A woman wants to know:⁠

Can he show up and just feel with HER?⁠
⁠Can you?⁠

I’m teaching men how to embrace divine masculinity and use their sexual energy for creating deeper connection, intimacy and presence, so YOU CAN!⁠

What Is The Truth About Men & Sex? ⁠

In my years as a mentor and coach to men, I have come to realise that one thing is absolutely clear. ⁠

Sex matters to men. ⁠No, I mean REALLY matters. ⁠Men crave sex. Men think about sex every few minutes. ⁠

Men fantasise about sex. ⁠Men do crazy and irresponsible things to get sex. Men like to watch sex. ⁠Some will even pay for sex. ⁠

Some men demand sex or even take it by force.⁠But, the reality is that for most men, sex can be a source of unending tension. Men are ruled by the three “E’s”, the three sources of men’s sexual tension.⁠

  • Enough⁠
  • Erection ⁠
  • Ejaculation ⁠

Which of the 3 E’s speaks to you the most? ⁠

What was the craziest thing you ever done to have sex? ⁠

A great number of men come to see me because they instinctively know that there is more to sexuality, intimacy and connecting than they are currently experiencing.

Sex Coaching and Sexological Bodywork can help you to fully inhabit your body, accept yourself with your own unique sexual preferences and needs, learn to overcome shame and communicate about your desires, and acquire tools and techniques to be a better lover, both for yourself and for your partner(s).

Tantric Sex Coaching welcomes to your new YOU, fully alive, open to pleasure, and thriving. These sessions may be hugely positive for ALL areas of your life.

What Can We Work On?

Ultimately, it is YOU who needs to have the choice.

Mindful Masturbation Coaching and Porn Addiction

We need to be good lovers for ourselves and with ourselves and explore our own preferences before we can be good lovers for partners. If your masturbation practice is merely a functional release, we look at how to turn it into lovemaking sessions with yourself, involving all of your body in its arousal. Porn addiction may be situational, e.g. very exhausting and soul-destroying shift work. The approach will aim at finding healthier balances rather than cutting out porn altogether.

Premature Ejaculation & Orgasmic Choice.

Ultimately, it is YOU who needs to have the choice when to ejaculate. Premature ejaculation is defined as ejaculating sooner than you want. Like all with all performance issues, we would first of all look at your personal history with sexuality and intercourse, when premature ejaculation first showed up, and work on body and arousal awareness, engaging the entire body in your arousal via breath and movement, and being able to be fully relaxed while fully aroused. We would also look at shifting your view of sexuality to process rather than goal-oriented, and pleasure rather than performance.

Delayed or Voluntary Ejaculation

A number of men find it difficult to achieve ejaculation, particularly with a partner, or in the presence of a partner. We would look at underlying factors, work on relaxation while aroused, body and arousal awareness, and gradually cultivate the feeling of ejaculatory choice. We would also look at shifting the focus on being present in each moment, rather than anticipating ejaculation, or the lack of it.

Read Part I here

Alexandra Holovitz is a tantric sex coach & hypnotherapist. She is known for her honest, passionate and authentic coaching style. 

She works with high achieving men in their 40′ helping them to heal, express and empower thought tantra, mindset and self-compassion. 

She believes in holistic healing (mind-body-soul) and by awakening sexual energy to thrive in life and business with deep connection, love and sexual liberation! 

You can learn more about her work at and connect with her via  Instagram.

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Alexandra Holovitz

Alexandra is a tantric sex coach & hypnotherapist. She is known for her honest, passionate and authentic coaching style. She works with high achieving men in their 40' helping them to heal, express and empower thought tantra, mindset and self-compassion. She believes in holistic healing (mind-body-soul) and by awakening sexual energy to thrive in life and business with deep connection, love and sexual liberation!


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