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Californian Blogger Lilly Ashley


Californian Blogger Lilly Ashley

I am an Account Coordinator and blogger from Southern California.

What inspires your fashion style and which are your favorite brands to shop from?

I love pulling style inspiration from a lot of places including Instagram, Pinterest, old magazines, vintage, and even the occasional movie or television show.

Do you have any favorite quotes or mottos you like to use?

I love the quote “Simplicity is the true keynote of elegance.” and I also believe in the motto that trying your hardest is the best you can do and when you work hard, you can accomplish almost anything.

What are 3 fun things you like to do in the city you live in?

Living in Southern California, there is always so much to choose from. In the summer I love the beach, and in the winter, heading up to the mountains is always a good time.

In my city, I love to visit my favorite local coffee shop, they have the best toast and bread options to choose from.

Is there any food or drink you can’t live without?

Coffee and french fries, but maybe not together, haha.

Are you more of a morning person or night owl?

I’m definitely more of a morning person. I use to be a night owl, until I got a job in LA and had to leave by 5am to get into work on time. Now, I can’t stay up past 11PM.

If you could time travel, what will you like to witness or experience?

I love history so it’s hard to nail down one specific time. I’d definitely be interesting in going back, experiencing the Renaissance in Europe or the 1940’s in Britain.

What is a lame attempt a guy has tried to know you before?

When guys come on too strong and try to share their whole life story with you on a dating app before you have even said “Hi”.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Lilly. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Self confidence to be yourself and make no apologies for it.

Follow the beautiful Lilly Ashley on


Instagram: @thrivinglilly

Twitter: @thrivinglilly

Pinterest: @thrivinglilly

Images courtesy of Lilly Ashley

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