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Russian Cosplayer & Gamer Girl Caidu


Russian Cosplayer & Gamer Girl Caidu

Hello, SimplySxy.  I’ll tell you about myself especially for you.  I am a cosplayer from Russia, I also do airsoft, draw art, play computer games and love cooking.

Now my most successful cosplay is Raphtalia, which my subscribers love so much, but I still have a lot of cosplay, which also turned out to be of high quality. In particular, I like to do cosplay on animal-girls.  My audience is growing very slowly, but I hope that I will soon be able to attract more attention to my work.

I hope my poor knowledge of English does not spoil anything.

How long have you been cosplaying and why did you start?

I have been doing cosplay since I was 14, and I started with the image of Chelsea from the anime “Akame ga Kill”

Then, I did not have Instagram and other social networks, because I did it only for cosplay festivals and myself, but now the priorities have changed, and I like to upload photos and conduct photo sessions.

What do you love about cosplay?

In cosplay, I like the very “idea” of transforming into another person.  That is, now you are an ordinary person, and someone’s favorite character is already at the festival or photographs.  At festivals, I feel like a star, because people don’t stop taking pictures with me, but it’s worth taking it off, and I’m already merging with the crowd, and it’s great.

If you could have a superpower, what will it be?

If I could have a super power, it would be the ability to teleport, since so much can be done with this, it’s convenient and useful.  For example, I could teleport for cosplay cloth to the store, pick it up and teleport home again.

Do you believe in any superstition?

I do not particularly believe in superstition, but watch for hints of fate.  Sometimes it tells you a lot more than any superstition or person.

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now when looking back?

If I recall, the only example of such a predicament is the moment when I crashed into a tree on a bicycle, woke up feeling pain and could not get up, but when my friend ran up, I just got up and went, “My leg is simply not broken? Probably it seemed.”

It was funny but painful.  The next day was a cosplay festival, and the whole leg was covered with bruises and a wound.  It can even be seen in photographs from that festival.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a party animal are you?

The party-goer of me is bad, I love the home environment, and have fun only at festivals, airsoft or study.  Well, I’m a good girl, hahah.  So I rate it at 1.

What is the funniest or lamest attempt a guy has tried to know you?

If I recall, a guy’s most hasty attempt to recognize me was the moment when a little boy wrote to me and tried to flirt with me, and since he was only a child, he didn’t do very well, but it was funny. He asked about cosplay, bragged about something, and then started writing something vulgar.  Well, man, you’re 12 years old, isn’t it too early for that?  It was funny.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Caidu. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

For me, the word “sexual” defines what a person says, how he speaks, and how much his words make sense.

If you look at it from the other side, the cute outfits (for example, stockings with cute lingerie) and beautiful poses come to mind, and if you think about male sexuality, this is definitely masculinity, and behavior.

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Images by Caidu

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