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Artist, Photographer & Model Valerie Goehring


Artist, Photographer & Model Valerie Goehring

My name is Valerie, and I’m a model and artist living in LA. I grew up in NYC and Vegas before moving to LA for college, so I’ve been living in big cities my whole life. Being around so many different cultures and creatives, I was really inspired to start creating art myself.

What inspired you to be a model?

I love creating and connecting with an audience. I started off with painting, mostly in working with fluid mediums and bright colors, as well as some nature photography. Modeling just seemed like another creative outlet to express myself.

Is posing on camera a lot harder than it looks?

Posing on camera may come naturally to some people, but for me it took some adjusting. I used to be really camera shy and tried emulating poses I’ve seen other girls doing, but I’ve found my favorite photos that come out of a shoot are usually the ones where I’m just smiling or laughing because that’s how my natural personality is off camera.

Which is a memorable or unforgettable photoshoot experience have you had?

The most memorable shoot I’ve done was at Venice Beach because it was completely packed with people. Walking around in those crazy outfits, pretty much every person I waked passed was staring, and many decided to even take their own pictures of me. I got to meet so many new and different people, and everyone I spoke to was super nice and supportive!

Do you follow a strict beauty and exercise regime?

I don’t really have a beauty regimen, I just try to go bare-faced as much as possible to avoid clogging my pores and breaking out. I also follow a mostly vegan diet, with the exception of fish on occasion to get my Omega-3’s, Iron , and B12.

As for exercise, I weight-lift every other day, giving my body a day in between to rest and recover. On my off days I either do some light exercise like yoga for an hour, or I do just 15 minutes of HIIT training.

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a fashionista are you?

As a model, I do need to keep a closet of fashionable outfits that will photograph well and create a memorable photo. However, when I’m not modeling I like to wear a lot of things I find from thrift shops that might be currently out of style but have character. I also really prefer being comfortable over fashionable in my free time, but I do love wearing bright colors!

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now when you look back?

I peed my pants from laughing too hard on shrooms LOL.

What is a lame or funny attempt a guy has tried to know you?

The funniest thing a guy has ever done to woo me was show up at my doorstep decked out in a glitter suit, blasting “Must Be With You” by the Pussycat Dolls from his car stereo. Definitely will never forget that.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Valerie. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I define sexy as owning who you are and not being afraid to share that with others.

Follow the amazing Valerie Goehring on:

Modeling Instagram: @valeriegoehring

Art Instagram: @pale_yello


Images by Valerie Goehring

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