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Published Model & Brand Ambassador Jasmine Goode


Published Model & Brand Ambassador Jasmine Goode

I have a friend who models with an agency in Colorado. She’s your average blonde hair and blue eyed model. She invited me to a practice shoot she was doing with a friend and I loved being in front of the camera. Yeah, in my first experience, not many photos were taken of me and the photographer didn’t care to edit them much, but it inspired me to start modeling to show how unique and beautiful every woman is.

Have you ever been nervous before a photoshoot?

I’ve never been nervous for a photo shoot, but definitely have experienced feeling nervous before my first time walking on the runway.

If there is one thing the modeling industry can improve on, what will it be?

Variety! In the modeling industry, most are looking for really tall and skinny or a certain race or nationality, instead of being all inclusive.

How much of a risk taker are you?

I am a very big risk taker. I started my modeling career part time in Colorado and knew I’d have to move to a bigger market to make it my full time career. Within a year, I picked up and moved to Vegas knowing absolutely no one, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Is there something in life you can’t get enough of?

It has to be in between traveling and the adrenaline rush and exhilaration I get from strutting down a runway.

Which flavor best describes you?

I would say the flavor that best describes me would be savory, because it has the most depth.

What turns you off on a date?

One thing that turns me off on a date is a man that can’t hold a conversation, or is rude to the waiter.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Jasmine. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

I define sexy as an air of confidence and self love.

Follow the gorgeous Jasmine Goode on:



I have a calendar coming out soon as well as my clothing line Cali Girl Kush Clothing coming out this summer. Watch out for it!

Images by Jasmine Goode

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