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Delaware Model, Taylor Christine


Delaware Model, Taylor Christine

It’s a pleasure to be featured. My name is Taylor Christine, I am 22 years old. I live in a small town in Delaware, very close to the beach!

How did you get started into modeling?

Well, I had never really thought about modeling until I was approached by a Delaware photographer. He loved my look and wanted to set something up. I actually cancelled on him two, maybe three times, before I had actually shown up. I would like to note that I am not normally a flake, but I was definitely nervous. After my first shoot, I realized how much I love being infront of the camera. So that definitely got the ball rolling.

What do you love most about modeling?

My favorite thing about modeling is the people I’ve met because of it. Some of my favorite people I’ve met while working. Traveling is a close second, I want to see the world.

Do you have a beauty regime to look so beautiful?

Yes and no. My beautiful mother blessed me with clear skin and pretty hair. I still definitely eat healthy, drink a lot of water, wash my face twice a day, never sleep with make up on.. .I also use witch hazel, weekly facials, and 24k bee venom. It’s never too early to start caring for your skin!

Which is the best compliment you have received?

Someone once told me that I brightened up the entire room the second I entered it. That’s definitely up there on the list.

If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be?

I want to learn as many languages as possible. I love to talk to people so I don’t want there to ever be any sort of barrier.

How will you describe an ideal date?

As for dates, less is more. An ideal date for me is a cruise to the beach on a beautiful day. Windows down, volume up. Blasting metal and eating pizza!

What is a funny or lame attempt a guy has tried to know you?

The lamest thing is when a guy flashes his money my way to get my attention. I am very unlikely to give someone my time and attention if they’re starting off flashing wads of cash.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Taylor. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Yeah, no problem! Sexy, to me, is simply a state of mind. Sexy is a good level of confidence.

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Images from David Heitur (

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