Oh my goodness, I’m definitely a yes person, so there’s almost nothing that I won’t do on a date. I think a good date really depends on the chemistry you have with a person, which can change. Some people I would love to catch a movie with, while some I’m dying to take to dinner.
I think if I really had to pick though, a good date experience would incorporate unique experiences with quality time and getting to know each other. A lovely idea would be seeing a play neither of us have seen, and then talking about it over dinner or drinks. A hike and a picnic would do the same. One of my favorite dates ever was actually a pottery painting class; we got to talk while also laughing at each other’s messy mugs!

How Important Are First Impressions?
First impressions are vital. We make our judgments about a person’s likability within seconds of meeting them, so it’s important to make sure that you’re at your best. Sometimes a date is after a long day of work, or on a busy weekend so you don’t always have hours to prepare for it, but it doesn’t take any time to put a warm smile on your face. Being friendly and approachable goes a long way to making the best impression on my heart and in my memory.
Be Yourself
I think we all try a little bit too hard sometimes. I used to never wear anything but a push up bra on dates, but then I felt like I wasn’t being authentic to myself (small boobs and all). In addition, when you’re not being yourself it makes you uncomfortable and that can negatively affect the time you have with your date.
So if you’re a guy who doesn’t normally like clubs, maybe meeting her for a night of dancing is not the best idea. Personally, I’m really down to earth and I prefer genuine connection over flashy experiences, so while a guy thinks he’s impressing me by taking me to a fancy restaurant or showing up in a fancy car, it actually is a huge turn off.

Bad Date Experiences
Almost too many to remember! But now they are just things I can laugh about and learn from. A particularly bad date I went on was with a guy who shared way too much personal information about his medical history. While he didn’t tell me he had STDs, he did reveal that one of his testicles was fake, and asked me if I wanted to feel and see which one it was! I definitely didn’t go out with him again.
Another guy was super sweet and I ended up taking him home with me on our second date, but then he snored so loudly that I didn’t get a wink of sleep. I don’t mind snoring, but at least let a girl know so she can get some earplugs ready!
Advice For Men On Dates
Be yourself. Authenticity is sexier than anything else. I personally love a guy who can laugh at himself and is down to earth versus a man with a six-pack. Of course, try your best to put your best foot forward; no one likes dressing up only to see that your date is in a wrinkled t-shirt and shorts. A little bit of self-grooming goes a long way, a man with well-trimmed facial hair, clean fingernails, and clean teeth is my favorite, but more than anything, just relax and try to have a good time.
At the end of the day, we are all just people trying to find that special spark, that reason to connect to another person, and if you leave yourself open and vulnerable to that sort of intimacy, only good things can happen. Oh and before I forget, it’s important to be respectful. It’s 2019! Crudeness and boyish behavior can be left at the door.
Olivia Lark – I’m a California-based elite companion who is a nerd at heart. I love lively conversation, travel, art, and new adventures. I’ve lived in Singapore, London, Milan, and New York in the past, and nothing excites me more than trying out new things. A former model and professional dancer, at 5’10 I turn heads when I walk into a room, and when I laugh, I melt hearts.
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Article images courtesy of Olivia Lark
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