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Model & Fashion Design Student Lily Amancay Huaman


Model & Fashion Design Student Lily Amancay Huaman

Hi šŸ™‚ Iā€™m Lily and Iā€™m a 19 year old student and model. My name Amancay translates to Lily, so it has sort of become my unofficial name. Iā€™m originally from Connecticut but I moved to NYC once I turned 18 to pursue my dreams of working in the fashion industry. I currently attend Parsons School of Design for a major in Fashion Design.

Photo by Tomo Morisawa @tomomorisawa and Makeup by Emily Yu

What inspires your fashion style?

I think I dress pretty casual and stick to the things that make me feel comfortable and cool. I wear lots of denim; in fact, I wear a jean jacket almost everyday with my sneakers or combat boots. I donā€™t really know if thereā€™s an inspiration for my style, probably just the model off-duty look.

Photo by John Kelsey @johnkelseyphoto

Are there any accessories you canā€™t live without?

I cannot live without my unicorn jewelry. I wear the same unicorn earrings and necklace everyday. I also always have a baby figurine in either my bag or jacket. I have a good collection of small baby figures, I just buy them when I come across them. Theyā€™re good luck!

Which is your most memorable photoshoot or modeling experience?

The one that stands out to me happened in 2017 during the winter. I was contacted by this amazing photographer (@johnkelseyphoto). He travels around and at the time he was living in a small sailboat. He invited me to shoot at a studio but I couldnā€™t make the time for that. Instead, I agreed to shoot outside on his boat with the Manhattan skyline in the backgroundā€¦ wearing only lingerie! It was so cold (there was snow on the ground to put it into perspective) that afterwards I had cramps from my body tensing up due to the cold, but it was so worth it!

Photo by Mike Matos @mikematosnyc

Is there something youā€™ve always wanted to do or experience but have yet to find the time for it?

I definitely want to travel more.

Photo by Fernando Paz @fernandopazphoto

Have you been in an embarrassing situation that is funny now when looking back?

I embarrass myself a lot! And every time I look back on things I still cringe.

If you could collaborate or meet anyone past or present, who will it be?

Honestly, I would meet Kanye West. Like, have him over for dinner. He just seems like he has an opinion on everything and would be very entertaining to be around.

Photo by Sergio Avellaneda @_fugazy_ and Makeup by Christina Lammardo @mardeau_beauty

What do you not get about guys?

I donā€™t understand why most men donā€™t experiment with fashion more. It seems like a lot of them are afraid of coming off too ā€œfeminineā€, but I personally think itā€™s attractive when a man doesnā€™t care and can be different.

Photo by Andrew Foster @atfphotographynyc Hair by Sayuri @hair_by_sayuri Makeup by Yukali @yukali.1214 Styling by Carie and Roseann Evans @salvageclothstudio @badtemperance

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Lily. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?Ā 

Sexy is when you put on some makeup, do your hair, wear nice lingerie and heels, and make people realize that women are the most beautiful creatures in the world.

Follow the fabulous Lily Huaman on:

Instagram: @luxxlily

Featured photo by Luis Quezada @luisquezadaphoto

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