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Health & Fitness Lover, Victoria Pang


Health & Fitness Lover, Victoria Pang

Hi Victoria it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi guys, thank you so much for the feature! I’m Victoria, a Chemistry graduate from NUS, Singapore. I enjoy going to the gym, cooking, photography as well as caring for cats.

What is your proudest achievement so far?

My proudest achievement is not something that is quantifiable nor of any material value. I believe that it must stem from personal development. So, my proudest achievement is overcoming the insecurities I have had about my body through fitness.

How do you motivate yourself to exercise regularly?

You know how they say, when you do something frequently enough and long enough, it slowly becomes a habit? I guess exercise has become a habit to me and if I don’t exercise regularly, something doesn’t feel right haha.

Do you have any other hobbies?

I’m also very passionate about food and I enjoy making dishes for my family and friends. I’m also always on the hunt for new cafes and food places to try!  You would think that someone who is so into fitness would be extremely health-conscious as well; But that’s not me. I believe that I can enjoy everything in moderation, even junk food or sugary drinks.

What kind of music do you like to listen?

Anything at the top of the pop charts right now #basic hahah.

If you can be a cartoon character, who will you be?

Honestly, I would love to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast because she’s a beauty with brains and heart.

Which is your favorite type of food?

I have a soft spot for fried chicken. ANY STYLE. KFC, Japanese karaage, Korean fried chicken… You name it. I cannot resist!!

What is an ideal first date for you? 

An ideal first date would be bringing me to a cat cafe where I can play with them kitties and ending the night with a candlelight steak dinner.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Victoria. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Hmm… I guess the conventional definition of “sexy” is proportional to the amount of skin shown but “sexy” to me is a mindset. You can be in a hoodie and sweatpants but if you believe you’re sexy, you’ll exude sexiness. And no one can take that away from you.

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Images courtesy of Victoria Pang

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