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Fashion Blogger & Influencer Helen Chen


Fashion Blogger & Influencer Helen Chen

Hi Helen it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

I am born and raised in San Francisco, California. I am currently a fashion blogger/influencer on Instagram. Growing up in a traditional Asian household, my parents wants me to so badly become a nurse or doctor and to live their American dream for them. But my dream is to finish school and achieve my dream as a fashion designer. I want to one day be able to design clothes for both men and women, clothes that will make them feel confident and sexy, but be stylish at the same time. By doing so, I hope to be able to make my parents proud.

What is your fashion style like?

I have two type of styles. On my lazy days, I like to dress more casual. By doing so, I would wear more grungy, streetwear types of clothes, such as band tees, ripped jeans and sneakers. (Ex. Kylie Jenner or Rihanna) On days where I have to dress up, I would generally wear tight dresses, fur coats and heels or long trench coats with bodysuits. (Ex. Kim Kardashian).

Where do you usually enjoy shopping from?

For my more casual outfits, I shop at Pacsun or Urban Outfitters. As for my more dressy outfits, I shop at Macy’s or Bloomingdales.

Which is the strangest fashion disaster you have seen?

None, I believe that everyone has their own unique style. What is strange to you may be normal to others, vice versa. I think it’s really cool when someone dresses different. I think it makes them stand out. It’s better to be different than just like everyone else.

How much of a foodie are you?

I am such a foodie! I would make my friends drive me for hours just to try one food place! People think I am crazy but if I see a cool food place on Instagram or Yelp, I have to try it. You should check out my Yelp account for all the food places I have visited.

If you could learn anything in this world, what will it be?

If I could learn anything in this world, it would be to see things through someone else’s perspective and to know what others are thinking.

Which was the last movie you watched and was it any good?

The last movie I watched was BayWatch. It was really funny but also can be very cringy and cliche at certain parts.

Lamest or weirdest attempt a guy has hit on you? 

I don’t have a lamest or weirdest, but I definitely have a scariest. Once in Times Square, New York, some guy kept hitting on me, so I just ignored it and walked away. But he followed me around for blocks.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Helen. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

To me, the term “sexy” would mean being confident and strong, not caring or worrying about what others think.

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Images courtesy of Helen Chen

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