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Influencer & Cosplayer Regina Tan


Influencer & Cosplayer Regina Tan

Hi Regina it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi! I’m Regina and I’m from Singapore. I’m a influencer and also a cosplayer 🙂 . I love to play games and have a bubbly personality.

Which is your proudest achievement so far?

As a influencer I’m honored that I got selected as Etude House Ambassador from 2015-2016.  As a cosplayer, I’m glad to say that in just 3 years I have handmade 4 to 5 sets of costumes <3 even though I’m still quite new in the committee.

What is your secret to looking so fantastic?

IT’S A SECRET. *winks*

Just joking. For me it’s having confidence in yourself and also keeping up to date with the trends and makeup styles/fashion.

Do you have any hobbies?

Drawing, cosplay, makeup, cooking, and collecting stamps.

What kind of music are you into?

I love pop songs ! Can’t live without it. My current favorite song is Shape of you by Ed Sheeran. I also love oldies like songs from Westlife too.

If you could describe yourself as a flavor, which will it be?

Dark chocolate. Classic, fun, sexy but mysterious  😉 .

Have you experienced a funny or embarrassing moment before?

HAHA , yes to be honest a lot of times. Especially when I thought I saw my friend, called out to them, ended up getting the wrong person .

What is an ideal first date for you? 

Romantic but casual. I would love it when both of us are feeling comfy yet being able to enjoy each others company . FOOD>FLOWERS.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Regina. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Sexy doesn’t necessary mean you need to have a curvy body or being pretty.  For me sexy means having confidence and being proud of yourself for doing what you love.

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Will be cosing as Maki from love live for a love live theme maid café.

Going to sgtcc/charaexpo and going to Comic fiesta in Malaysia 2017.

Images courtesy of Regina Tan

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