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Italian Model Alessia Andrea Mucci


Italian Model Alessia Andrea Mucci

Hi Alessia it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi! My name is Alessia Andrea Mucci and I’m 29. I’m from the centre of Italy and I’m an Aerospace Engineer, a professional bartender and a model for photoshooting.

Which is your most memorable modeling shoot so far?

Obviously the first one! I was 18 years old. It was a modelling shoot for a tattoo shop in my on city. It took place on the roof of a 20 floor building and I had to go biking around… so exciting!

Can you tell us a story behind one of your tattoos?

My most significant tattoo is the one on the centre of my back. I made it when I was 17, after my recovery from a very bad illness. It reminds me of how important life is. We must love ourself and what we have been born with… always!

Do you have any hobbies?

Oh, yes! Of course… I’ve got many… but three in particular. I practise a lot of different sports disciplines and I love painting and listening to music.

Which is the craziest thing you have done and not regret?

I moved to Australia for love.

If you were to describe yourself as a flavor, what will it be?

Dark chocolate. Bitter at the right point, but also sweet if you are able to taste its “true” flavor.

How long do you think you’ll survive in a zombie apocalypse?

I would become immortal since I’d turn into a zombie too. I’m a really adaptable person.

What’s the weirdest attempt a guy has tried to get to know you?

He drove for 800 km in one night, just to stand a hour at my bar and to drink one of my cocktails.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Alessia. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”? 

Sexy is… to be a self-confident, proud, strong and independent woman! This is so much more powerful and inspiring than just looking hot in front of the camera.

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Images courtesy of Alessia Andrea Mucci

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