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Malaysian Fashionista Rachael Chin


Malaysian Fashionista Rachael Chin

Hi Rachael it is a pleasure to feature you on SimplySxy.  Please share with our readers a little about yourself and where you’re from?

Hi! I’m Rachael from Malaysia and often labelled/described as “short or petite”, sometimes “the dog lady”. Just another girl next door. Perfectionist. A sucker for cheap but expensive-looking things!

Where do you love to shop from?

My all-time favourite will be Topshop because they have the petite section for people like us! I’m more of a mainstream shopper and I don’t have any favourite particular stores, I go to shops like Zara, Forever21, H&M but I do occasionally shop online! Still, nothing beats shopping in Bangkok! 😛

What is your secret to looking so gorgeous?

To be honest, my self-esteem level is considerably low but how I build self-confidence and maintaining how I look is by being happy-go-lucky and carefree! (Ignore what haters have to say about you and just be yourself!)

Do you have any hobbies?

I’m currently into photography (started about last year and still hoping to improve) and I enjoy taking beautiful pictures/portraits. One of my favourite past time is also pets (dogs). I would read all about them (whether it is an article or a story book to how to care for them)

What kind of music are you into?

Any kind! Not fussy about music as long as it’s catchy, I’ll enjoy it. My favourite would be R&B.

If you can travel anywhere in this world, where will you go?

Maldives!!! Which I’m planning to visit this year. Fingers crossed*

Have you experienced a funny or embarrassing moment before?

Always! Friends who know me in person know that I’m a very clumsy and careless person.  I can trip over my own feet and fall, navigate for directions on Waze while searching elsewhere for my phone at the same time!

What is an ideal first date for you?

I don’t particularly have an ideal first date but he must be at least decently dressed. He cannot be too creepy.. and most importantly a gentlemen attracts me the most! He doesn’t have to pay for my meals but don’t expect me to pay for his!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Rachael. One question before we end, how do you define “sexy”?

Always be confident in yourself and be contented with what God gave us. Whether it is how we look to our physique. For me, that is the real definition of sexy!

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Images courtesy of Rachael Chin

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